English Muffins

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Andy M.

Certified Pretend Chef
Sep 1, 2004
Because of advertising, most people think of Thomas' English Muffins when the subject comes up. We're guilty of that for sure. About 5 years ago I started making my own. I thought they were pretty good but SO and our granddaughter passed on them because they liked Thomas' "nooks and crannies". OK. I can live with that.

Recently, we hav been seeing another brand in the market. Bay's English muffins. They are in the refrigerator case with the pie crusts and pillsbury tubes of dough for cookies, biscuits, etc. I saw a review somewhere that really liked these Bay's muffins so we bought some. They come in a six pack like Thomas'. They are pre-sliced and are in a resealable package. Lots of "nooks and crannies".

They are really good. Flavor is on a par with or better than Thomas'. Anyone else tried these?
I'm amazed. I've tried at least a half-dozed 'off-brand' Thomas imitations and none ever came close. OK, they were round--but that's it. I suspect yours are made by a small local Mass. company w/limited distribution. I hope they'll be successful enough to expand. In the meantime I've been ,making "English muffin bread" according to the King Arthur Flour recipe. It's excellent.
I buy Thomas' Light Multi-Grain English Muffins at the dead bread store down the street but the price in the local supermarkets is way too spendy for me and they never seem to offer them on sale.

I'm fine with any of the inexpensive knockoffs as long as they are double-toasted to make them extra crispy.

The thing I like best about English Muffins is that I can split them and freeze them with better results than most other commercial bread products.
some years ago there was a discussion on English Muffins, I was interested and tried to save the tuna cans for rings. LOL at that time though they had changed to those cans with the round bottoms that you could not cut out.
About a year ago I suddenly got the urge again and bought some rings.
The rings are sitting on the table beside me with half a dozen recipes and I'm trying to pick one.

Still haven't made them yet. :bounce:
some years ago there was a discussion on English Muffins, I was interested and tried to save the tuna cans for rings. LOL at that time though they had changed to those cans with the round bottoms that you could not cut out.
About a year ago I suddenly got the urge again and bought some rings.
The rings are sitting on the table beside me with half a dozen recipes and I'm trying to pick one.

Still haven't made them yet. :bounce:

I bought the rings too. I can make 8 muffins at a time using my Griddler open to two surfaces to cook them. I use the King Arthur Baking Company recipe. https://www.kingarthurbaking.com/recipes/english-muffins-recipe
we have Bays in PA (original, not a cinn fan...) - switched to them ~ a year back.
preferred over Thomas....
some years ago there was a discussion on English Muffins, I was interested and tried to save the tuna cans for rings. LOL at that time though they had changed to those cans with the round bottoms that you could not cut out.
About a year ago I suddenly got the urge again and bought some rings.
The rings are sitting on the table beside me with half a dozen recipes and I'm trying to pick one.

Still haven't made them yet. :bounce:
I, too, have been stymied by the new tuna cans (I'll bet old ones are fetching a pretty penny on eBay and etsy right now). Have since learned to my astonishment that there is an apparently brand-new invention, 4" cookie cutters. When I recover from the shock will give it a try.
I don't think we get Thomas' English Muffins here in Quebec. I have bought various brands of whole wheat English muffins and they were all decent. At the moment we are very happy with "Selections brand". It's a store brand. Years ago I used to make English muffins. They had all the nooks and crannies that one would hope for. I used the recipe out of The Joy of Cooking. I typed it up and used my own words for the method.

Bay's is the brand that I grew up eating! Himself prefers bagels to English muffins, and I enjoy them most as a breakfast sandwich, so I rarely buy them. But if we aren't near Trader Joe's when I need them (I like their version, too, plus they cost less), I'll buy Bay's at Market Basket.
heehee - I have a box of old tuna can 'rings' hanging around - just for this reason...
our kids liked Eng Muffins at (weekend) breakfasts and liked to 'help out' with the ring&griddle operation.

"mold rings" are available in many diameters - nice SS, bit pricey if you need a raft of them to griddle Eng Muffins....

check the Asian section - stuff like bamboo shoots, water chestnuts, etc, still come in three pc cans - i.e. removable top&bottom - side opener recommended....
and the cat food aisle - some still come in the 3 pc can.
....not quite 4" dia - but may work for you.
I've made English muffins a few times. It wasn't important to me that they be perfectly round, so I formed them into balls and flattened them. Whatever shape they ended up was fine with me.
As said, have already got my rings now. Next step is to choose the recipe...
choices are:
recipe that came with the rings :unsure:
Alton Brown :unsure:
Joy of Cooking :unsure:
Scott Pollock's :unsure:
Chef John's :unsure:

So make up your mind you silly twit!! :bash:
As said, have already got my rings now. Next step is to choose the recipe...
choices are:
recipe that came with the rings :unsure:
Alton Brown :unsure:
Joy of Cooking :unsure:
Scott Pollock's :unsure:
Chef John's :unsure:

So make up your mind you silly twit!! :bash:
Try them all in alphabetical order, keep notes and then decide which you like best.

Just in case you were going to debate yourself on how to alphabetize ?
OOF!! that's a lot of muffins!
but I find them easy to toast.
heehee - I have a box of old tuna can 'rings' hanging around - just for this reason...
our kids liked Eng Muffins at (weekend) breakfasts and liked to 'help out' with the ring&griddle operation.

"mold rings" are available in many diameters - nice SS, bit pricey if you need a raft of them to griddle Eng Muffins....

check the Asian section - stuff like bamboo shoots, water chestnuts, etc, still come in three pc cans - i.e. removable top&bottom - side opener recommended....
and the cat food aisle - some still come in the 3 pc can.
....not quite 4" dia - but may work for you.
Thanks for the tip--I've got a neighbor with cats.
I don't think we get Thomas' English Muffins here in Quebec. I have bought various brands of whole wheat English muffins and they were all decent. At the moment we are very happy with "Selections brand". It's a store brand. Years ago I used to make English muffins. They had all the nooks and crannies that one would hope for. I used the recipe out of The Joy of Cooking. I typed it up and used my own words for the method.

Thanks. I have an old 'Joy' somewhere and will look for it.
if you can't find your Joy of C., taxy put a link just before here to where she wrote out the recipe from the Joy of C.
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