Recent content by Janet H

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  1. Janet H

    Lots of Rhubarb!

    It's "that" time of year again - RHUBARB!! I planted rhubarb because I love the large lovely leaves but it has to be harvested to grow well. This year I have a bumper crop and have made pie, popsicles, chutney, sauce and more - it's still growing. GROWING. Last year I donated a bunch to the...
  2. Janet H

    What type pan do you use the most?

    The aforementioned scan pan. Eggs, omelets, and everything else fried.
  3. Janet H

    What type pan do you use the most?

    Scan-Pan 10-inch skillet followed closely by an all-clad 3-quart pan that has a steamer insert. The steamer insert has a nice long handle and I use it to drain pasta, boiled potatoes, and of course, for steaming.
  4. Janet H

    Stabilized Whipped Cream - game changer!

    I did not know this existed.... I just googled Whip-it and it appears to have 3 ingredients: dextrose, modified cornstarch, tricalcium phosphate. The Jello pudding has this: SUGAR, MODIFIED CORNSTARCH, CONTAINS LESS THAN 2% OF DISODIUM PHOSPHATE, TETRASODIUM PYROPHOSPHATE, SALT, MONO- AND...
  5. Janet H

    Stabilized Whipped Cream - game changer!

    I had to purchase a package of pudding mix for this adventure, as I don't routinely use instant pudding. I whipped 2 cups of cream (using 2 tablespoons of pudding mix). There are several tablespoons left in the package, so I've frozen the powder for future use. This is going to become a...
  6. Janet H

    I am a human!

    The browser check was a spam prevention thing and is automated. It happens sometimes when vpns or when you login for odd locations that historically have lots of spam bots. Glad to hear you are human, however. ;)
  7. Janet H

    Stabilized Whipped Cream - game changer!

    Yesterday was my hubby's B-day and he always asks for the same thing - A chocolate stout cake, no icing please, and pass the whipped cream. I obliged but thought it might be fun to serve the cake with the cream already on top to look a bit festive and to mimic the top of a mug of oatmeal stout...
  8. Janet H

    New member

    Here's the scoop: As a spam avoidance mechanism, we limit the number of posts from new accounts for the first 3 days after joining. We dislike spam, most especially the sort delivered by people promoting their for-profit blogs and YouTube channels. Typically, once this limitation is discovered...
  9. Janet H

    Shipping error - what to do?

    Problem solved! I've had this knife (in the box) on my desk for several days. Yesterday I came home to find it drying on the sideboard. DH reports that it's nice and sharp (even if it is in a funky color).
  10. Janet H

    Shipping error - what to do?

    That's a good friend!
  11. Janet H

    Shipping error - what to do?

    I recently ordered a paring knife. Not an especially fine knife; in fact, it was intended for my camper. Today it arrived and it's not a pairing knife and it is a really nice knife; clearly amazon made some sort of error. Instead of an off-brand 3-inch paring knife, I got this lovely 6-inch...
  12. Janet H

    What are some of your favourite discontinued products that you would like to see brought back?

    Dr Bronners soup powder which disappeared from stores somewhere around 2001, was wonderful and versatile.
  13. Janet H

    What are some of the dumbest, most impractical "facts" or advice you've heard on a cooking show?

    Gordon Ramsays claim that one side of foil cooks faster than the other is hogwash, IMO. The dull/shiny side arguments he makes are that the dull side holds heat better and the shiny reflects when in fact the foil is the same on both sides - the color difference is a processing and rolling...
  14. Janet H

    Tree Repair Progress

    Change it hard. I lost a large shade tree a few years ago in my backyard as well and after some adjustments (some plants getting too much sun), replacing plantings, etc I came to appreciate the extra light. Your garden looks magical even with the change and I hope you find some new solutions.
  15. Janet H

    Why my chocolate syrup consolidated?

    Is the sauce supposed to be fairly thin? Suitable for drizzling on ice cream? If so, here's my go-to recipe: 1/2 cup unsweetened cocoa powder 1/2 cup sugar 1/2 cup dark brown sugar 1/2 cup cold water a pinch of salt 1½ teaspoons vanilla Method: Place the first 5 ingredients in a large...
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