Recent content by LovelyLinda

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  1. LovelyLinda

    Frozen Prunes

    You could make my world famous prune casserole! :chef: Here's the recipe: Ingredients: - 6 8oz cans prunes - Dish 1. Preheat oven to 400 degrees 2. Open the prune cans 3. Pour into dish 4. Cook for 45min Enjoy!
  2. LovelyLinda

    Lamb Tagine - Leg or Shoulder?

    MMM lamb! :pig: What a tasty treat! Whichever cut you choose I hope its as tasty as my famous roast chicken! ;)
  3. LovelyLinda

    Tuesday, 30th January - what did you have?

    Was feeling a wee bit cheeky :-p and had some homemade chocolate icecream and homeade cheesecake. And didn't forget the (boozy) cherry sauce on top! LOL!
  4. LovelyLinda

    Word Association Game

  5. LovelyLinda

    Song Title Game

    Barbie Girl - Aqua
  6. LovelyLinda

    Word Association Game

  7. LovelyLinda

    Word Association Game

  8. LovelyLinda

    I'm So Old That I Remember...

    I remember when the youths weren't glued to their screens all the dang time!!!
  9. LovelyLinda

    Are you a guy or a girl?

    Wow, this all seems a little complicated for me. I seem to call everyone 'dear', whether it a man, woman child or other!
  10. LovelyLinda

    What are you doing?

    Watching my favorite HGTV! Tonight it's Home Town. Seeing people renovate a whole town can make me feel bad about my messy desk though... LOL! :eek:
  11. LovelyLinda

    Do you have a “signature” dish?

    Yes, a classic roast chicken with potatoes, veggies and gravy!! Can't go wrong!!!
  12. LovelyLinda

    Dinner for Sept. 5

    Just had a classic roast chicken + potatoes + veggies with the family (and don't forget a healthy serving of gravy!) It's my go-to meal that everyone loves. Bless
  13. LovelyLinda

    Lay's x Helen's Crafted Beer Potato Chips Review!!

    Sounds delightful! Should recommend to Hubby who's both a lover of beer AND chips!! :-p:rolleyes:
  14. LovelyLinda

    Song Title Game

    Dancing in the Dark - John Legend
  15. LovelyLinda

    Are you a guy or a girl?

    I am a WOMAN OF GOD!!
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