Recent content by Meryl

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that enjoys cooking.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
  1. M

    Song Title Game

    I'll never love again - Lady Gaga
  2. M

    Saturday night dinner, June 15, 2024

    I made my first fresh pesto sauce this Summer, using our fresh home-grown basil. Forgot to take a photo, but here's one of my basil plant 😀.
  3. M

    Song Title Game

    Born to run - Bruce Springsteen
  4. M

    2024 Edition - What are you baking?

    I baked a focaccia with escarole (sautéed) , chopped Parma ham and cheese (scamorza). I must admit it came out quite good, much better than other times. The bread dough rose very well due to warmer room temperature and adding some Manitoba flour (20% of the flour dose). As you can see, half of...
  5. M

    How do you like to drink coffee?

    I don't drink coffee anymore, if I do it's decaffeinated, no milk, just a little sugar.
  6. M

    Song Title Game

    Ticket to ride - The Beatles
  7. M

    What have you had for lunch lately?

    Oven-baked chicken legs, otherwise called"drumsticks", fried zucchini flowers (in batter), green salad.
  8. M

    What have you had for lunch lately?

    Looks and sounds great! Yes, everything somehow tastes better at the beach.
  9. M

    What's your weather right now? 2024 Edition

    Very warm and sunny, at last,32C (89F?). It's about time too! We had a cold, rainy May and June hadn't started off too well, either. Let's just hope it lasts🙂.
  10. M

    What have you had for lunch lately?

    I made a typical Mediterranean Summer dish: Ratatouille - I used zucchini, yellow peppers, egg-plant, onions, a little garlic, cherry tomatoes, and of course EVOO 😀.
  11. M

    Sunny Sunday! What's for dinner? 2nd June 2024

    Grilled steak, steamed potatoes, green salad, both dressed in EVOO (with a little balsamic vinegar in the salad). Small glass of red wine (Aglianico DOP)
  12. M

    Saturday, June 1, 2024, what are you eating?

    4 servings with that quantity, probably depends on how many different ingredients you add. It seemed a small amount when I drained it, then after adding all the rest, it tripled in size😳. Yes, you can use ordinary farro which takes a bit longer to cook, and can still be rinsed with cold water...
  13. M

    Saturday, June 1, 2024, what are you eating?

    Yes, sure. It's pearled farro, I used about 200g, but lots of left-overs! I cooked it in boiling water (with a pinch of salt) for 20.mins, drained it and placed it under cold running water for a few seconds (to stop it from sticking) and let it cool. Then put it in a bowl, adding a small...
  14. M

    Cooking from scratch

    Without the chicken broth, it is!
  15. M

    Saturday, June 1, 2024, what are you eating?

    Farro salad with chick peas, sweet corn, canned mackerel, cherry tomatoes and lettuce, all dressed in EVOO.
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