Recent content by mseaglecook

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that enjoys cooking.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
  1. mseaglecook

    What kind of Off Topic Post do you enjoy the most..

    Check more food related post. I just like to create post that ya'll all enjoy. I try to keep you all and my self amused by my silly post. :)
  2. mseaglecook

    What kind of Off Topic Post do you enjoy the most..

    What do you like to see in the OT section of a board?
  3. mseaglecook

    What are your guilty pleasures... Fess up

    I am shocked at all of you gamers... LOL In my mind I picture everyone on this board sitting around consuming gourmet food and drinking fine wine discussing cultural events.. I guess, that is how I view DC. It is funny how we picture people in our minds and what they actually end up being in...
  4. mseaglecook

    Word Association Game

  5. mseaglecook

    Song Title Game

    Bring Me To Life - Evanescence
  6. mseaglecook

    Two questions about Pasta

    Bea, Thanks for letting me know. I found a really interesting recipe that uses shelf stable gnocchi. I will try it and report back. Thanks for sharing your experience with me. :)
  7. mseaglecook

    Two questions about Pasta

    Thanks for all of your advice everybody..
  8. mseaglecook

    Birthday Menu and how the internet created a new birthday tradition for our family...

    I just love birthdays. I don't know which I like more cooking and buying gifts for the birthday celebrants or celebrating my own birthday.. LOL
  9. mseaglecook

    Awesome Badasses in History

    One more Badass because I couldn't resist... Christopher Lee... Yes, that Christopher Lee aka Superman Villian, Lord of the Rings Villian, and Star Wars Sith Lord... In real life he was a WWII hero and badass... Christopher Lee Story
  10. mseaglecook

    Birthday Menu and how the internet created a new birthday tradition for our family...

    Birthday Week Menus My son's birthday is next week. So I thought I would share this story. Oh, about six or seven years ago my son became friends with a girl on a forum online. On this forum they were discussing birthday traditions. The girl said that her family had a tradition where the...
  11. mseaglecook

    Two questions about Pasta

    Will do. Thanks for the info. I felt so silly asking the question but I really needed to know the safest way to pre-cook the noodles.
  12. mseaglecook

    Movies that really etched themselves into your mind...

    Your post sent me down memory lane. LOL When I was a girl my great aunt who lived in NC used to take us to the Outer Banks to swim and play. At that time it was nothing but sand and ocean. We used to have the best time. She had a house on the Pamlico River. She would take us to Ocracoke Island...
  13. mseaglecook

    Two questions about Pasta

    How far in advance can you cook say lasagna noodles? If I cook them in the morning to use at night to prepare my meal should I put the cooked noodles in the refrigerator or leave them on the counter? Also shelf stable gnocchi is it edible? I was thinking of trying some to keep some on hand for...
  14. mseaglecook

    Awesome Badasses in History

    This site is a cool site about cool people doing cool stuff ... Oh and history is involved too... Ben Thompson is a historian extraordinaire. He makes history fun. I thought I would post this for the history buffs on the board. Here is a link to all of his works.. Quite impressive. All of his...
  15. mseaglecook

    What are your guilty pleasures... Fess up

    I saw this on some site posted as a fail gif.. I think it is adorable... Tigers sleeping Sorry for the link. I tried to post this gif.. but me a gifs on this site don't work out... LOL
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