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If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
I knew the definition. Just didn't understand your using this word to further the discussion. Employees excel and are sometimes promoted. If they continue to excel they may continue to receive more responsibility. If a promoted employee "Peters out" a proactive and supportive organization my intervene to provide absent skills but the Peter Principle precedes this.
Generally it's like GG says, company politics mucks with the machinery, a lot, leaving an employee trying to figure it out on their own and many don't succeed. It was ultimately the company's decision to put dill pickles in pizza.
I too, missed you and often thought of you both!
So needless to say it is soo great to hear from you. Hope you will drop in more often! and let us know how you are doing.

Believe it or not, I often think of that Chicken and Bread recipe that Kayelle wanted my recipe for.... did I ever send it to her? I can't seem to find it here. Hopefully I sent it privately - if not BAD dragn. If you wish, let me know and I'll try to find it. (Haven't made it since.)

Cheers! Fly High!
Just dropped in to say hello. Kayelle and I have moved to a seaside apartment after living in a +55 MHP. It is nice to see people again, The MHP is more like a ghost town.View attachment 69400
That does look appealing. Give my best greetings to Kayelle. Thank you for dropping by

As others have written, I miss you guys too. I hope you can spare some time for us.
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