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  1. Roll_Bones

    New Wok

    I purchased this carbon steel Babish wok on Amazon. There was no mention that it was pre-seasoned. However, googling and searching it is supposed to be pre-seasoned. It looks pre-seasoned. I am getting so much conflicting information with regard to seasoning. The instructions do recommend...
  2. Roll_Bones


    So they had pork roasts on sale and I got 2 of them. My dad always made it Cuban style with yuca, black beans with not traditional yellow rice, garlic bread, mojo and a tossed salad. I use arugula for the salad. The plantains I bought were not ripe enough so I left them out. To ripe for...
  3. Roll_Bones

    Pork Belly

    I bought a pork belly. It was on sale and it looked good. But I have several ideas as to how to use it. I could roast it with skin Cuban style with the skin real crispy. Chicharrones if you will. I could try making bacon. I can try to make a porchetta. Not sure that I spelled that correctly...
  4. Roll_Bones

    Fire Bricks?

    I have been looking for some kind of steel ring to go in my Weber 26" kettle. To dump the hot coals into when I only need a few coals. Keeps them from spilling out all over the charcoal grate. Weber makes one but It's expensive IMO. On another cooking forum I saw someone used bricks to build a...
  5. Roll_Bones

    Food Safe?

    Our fridge quit working last Friday. I found out it was still under warranty when I called them (LG). It was hell dealing with them and that deserves its own thread. But it has not been looked at yet and I have not received one call from the service technician. I have made 3 calls myself and...
  6. Roll_Bones

    Peppers In Oil

    Many years ago Progresso sold a jar of peppers packed in oil. It was a medley of peppers with red and green bell the headliners. Along with whole cherry peppers and I think others/other. It was very good and I learned about them as my journeyman/teacher used them on tuna sandwiches instead of...
  7. Roll_Bones

    Dehydrating Mushrooms

    I dehydrated some baby bella mushrooms last Friday. It took about 3 hours. I don't have a very good dehydrator and after checking the temp it was running just a little under 150°. Presto round kind with 4 trays. I removed them when they snapped and did not bend. But after cooling on the counter...
  8. Roll_Bones

    Sherry Wine

    When I make Asian food in many cases it calls for Sherry. All I can find in stores is sherry wine vinegar. I cannot find sherry wine even in liquor stores. What's up with this? I do see it online. But when searching sherry wine most results are for sherry wine vinegar. TIA
  9. Roll_Bones


    I have a frozen package of baby octopus. 3 of them. I have no idea what to do with them. I have had grilled octopus before and I really liked it. But its to cold for grilling. The package says to boil for 90 minutes then proceed with recipe. That part is easy. I need some ideas. What would...
  10. Roll_Bones

    Kitchen Pet Peeves

    I am a very particular man. And I'm even more particular in the kitchen. I got to thinking about the rest of you guys and how strongly you feel about cooking and food in general. The pet peeve that started me thinking happened at Thanksgiving. My daughter was slicing cheesecake into...
  11. Roll_Bones

    Fresh Tomato Sauce/Juice

    I processed a bunch of ripe tomato's yesterday. I used my new crank type food mill. Oxo Good Grips. Not impressed. Anyway the results were a very thin watery result. Maybe I should have used a courser mill plate? My question: Should I simmer to thicken or freeze as is? At this point it is...
  12. Roll_Bones

    Meatballs Again

    I have 1 pound of ground pork, 1 pound ground lamb, 1 pound of ground veal and 1 or more pounds of ground beef. I want to make meatballs. I want juicy soft meatballs. For some reason they do not come out as good as I remember them. I am making Italian style. So I do add all the regular...
  13. Roll_Bones

    Drying Fresh Herbs

    My garden is growing well. I have had to trim back the herbs as I cannot use all of it fresh. So I plan to dry some for future use. I took a bunch of thyme and tied a string around the stems and have it drying in the shade on my porch. Its very warm out. Questions: Dry, tied up or loose?(I am...
  14. Roll_Bones do you like them?

    For mothers day my daughter and granddaughter asked if I could make chicken wings. Of course I replied as I love them and so does everyone else. Mother (my wife) included. My daughter is a CPA at a meat company and sent me a wholesale list of chicken. They had sectioned wings, regular, jumbo or...
  15. Roll_Bones

    Flat Dumplings

    I asked about a recipe from years ago called Popeye. My first wife made these dumplings and I loved them. I remember lots of eggs and of course flour. They were rectangle shaped. But I remember the amount of eggs that went in it. Several eggs but I do not have this recipe. I want a dumpling...
  16. Roll_Bones

    Questions/advice about Thermapen DOT

    I ordered a Thermapen DOT - Impulse buy I guess. But I have a use for it outside with my new Weber Kettle and for inside with the oven. I have always wondered how the cable for the thermocouple can stand being crushed between the grill lid and the grill body...
  17. Roll_Bones

    ISO help/advice with chicken soup

    Its cold and we expect icy weather this weekend. So yesterday I buy some chicken thighs, aromatics (Mirepoix) and egg noodles. I have made chicken soup/stock by roasting the chicken first or just putting raw chicken into water. I am going to use boxed chicken stock instead of water this time...
  18. Roll_Bones

    Neck Bones

    I saw some pork neck bones in the grocery store. Very meaty and the reason I got them. Normally I would not buy them unless I was making a soup or stock. But they look and feel to be more meat than bones and I never saw them like this. I have not opened the package tray. But very obvious...
  19. Roll_Bones

    Anchovies In Olive Oil

    I bought my first anchovy’s in a glass jar. They are packed in olive oil. I put them in the fridge as soon as I got them home. The oil has hardened and they could never be removed from the jar without bringing them up to room temp first. My question is once they come up to temp and I can...
  20. Roll_Bones

    My DNA Search

    I cannot remember if I shared with you guys that my wife a few years ago bought me a Ancestry DNA kit? I was adopted at birth. Well I got back my test results and looked over the site for a few days. Then since I did not get any personal hits I gave up and forgot about it. I really did not know...
  21. Roll_Bones

    Weber 26" Charcoal Kettle Grill

    I have wanted a Weber 26" kettle grill since I saw one for sale some time ago. Price has always been my sticking point. Well for my birthday (July 14) my lovely wife surprised me with a delivery. It was the grill! Big box and very heavy. Two person box! Once assembled I realized exactly how...
  22. Roll_Bones


    I love oysters, but hate to shuck them. I was in Costco yesterday and picked up a container of Pacific ( I think farm raised) oysters as I have been wanting some. Looks like two servings. My only intention was to deep fry them? My wife does not eat them so anything goes. Any ideas and easy...
  23. Roll_Bones

    RIP Eddie Van Halen

    Eddie Van Halen lead guitarist and co founder of the band Van Halen has died from throat cancer. He was a great one and his style and sound will never be forgotten. RIP Eddie.
  24. Roll_Bones

    New Range?

    We have been working on the house last few months. Installed all new floors and painted. Ordered a brand new fridge my wife wanted (old one was 17 years old) and we need a new range as well. I have wanted gas forever but we have no natural gas available. I checked into propane. Not one...
  25. Roll_Bones

    Now What?......LOL

    I have a working sourdough starter. Its very active and I am ready to bake some bread with it. Actually I have been ready for some time now. I have found many recipes and I cannot pick something and just make it. I guess its because they seem so difficult. So many steps. I am more than happy to...
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