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  1. C

    Waffle Cone making.

    From machine manual: 2/3 Cup bread flour 1/4 tsp ground cinnamon 1/4 tsp salt 2 large eggs 1/4 Cup granulated sugar 1/4 Cup dark brown sugar 1/4 Cup melted butter 1/4 Cup whole milk 1 Tbsp vanilla extract From The Spruce Eats: 2/3 cup...
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    How do they put photos on cakes?

    How are photos put on cakes? Is there more than one method? I saw a video from 12 years ago in which a clear sheets is printed with an edible ink and it's basically pressed on the cake like a temporary tattoo. I guess they don't print images directly onto a cake? How does it work?
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    Sauce for cheese burger pizza.

    A coworker created a cheese burger pizza with a base of 10 cups mayo 5 cups ketchup 2/3 cup sugar 2/3 cup white vinegar 1/3 cup black pepper topped with ground beef and cheddar and mozz and optional ketchup and mustard on top of that. Personally don't like the sauce that much. I think he was...
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    Strawberry muffins. Tips? I tried this recipe and I admit had to use both wheat and gluten free flour to have enough at the time, and used powdered sugar for most of it since I was low on granulated too. I found it did cook completely...
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    Does anyone know the rules restaurants follow to pass health inspections?

    In particular the rules on NY state? Are open tissue boxes a violation?
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    Shredded Taco Chicken Recipe. I tried this recipe but it didn't look much like the picture. The chicken was tough to shred with a fork. Any tips? Two forks to pull apart because it's very hot? Chicken wasn't red like it is in picture. I cooked for 15 minutes covered. Temp was 180F...
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    Why are triglycerides listed as an ingredient in some foods/drinks?

    What role do triglycerides play in food science? I know in the blood one doesn't want high triglycerides made from sugars, but what are straight up triglycerides used for as a listed ingredient?
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    Orange Cranberry Bread glaze. I tried this recipe. Turned out pretty good, but I don't think the glaze was very good. Might of been better plain. As it turns out powdered sugar is less sweet than granulated sugar and may spike glucose more. Anyway to make glaze with...
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    Restaurants that use food labels that can survive the oven??

    I work at a pizza place and we usually put a mushroom or green pepper on pizzas to indicate something special like light sauce, extra sauce, well done, light bake, extra something, etc. I guess it can get confusing between reading a bunch of tags that all have something customized and trying to...
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    Thin Crust Pizza. Any pointers? This pizza turned out pretty well, but like a few commented it...
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    Apple cookies & Grating ingredients. I tried out this recipe because I had apples left over from various apple crisp versions. Is there a best way to grate ingredients? I found apples challenging, and ginger root can also be tough. 80% of the time I will...
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    First time making Apple Crisp. I tried this recipe. It didn't turn out bad, but wasn't quite 4 stars. It called for a ceramic baking dish but I only had glass. It said 2qt but I couldn't find one labeled by volume except for the 3qt 13by9 dish. The...
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    Spice expert?

    I know they have various experts like sommeliers for wine, but is there a spices expert? I saw 1.1oz of nutmeg at a large grocery store for like $6.60 before tax versus 1.5oz of nutmeg at Aldis for $1.89 with tax. The quality difference can't be that great? I certainly appreciate the cost...
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    Making my own cereal. Fake cinna toast crunch. I tried this recipe. Could certainly smell the cinnamon but the taste was kind of bitter and cinnamon didn't register so much. Any suggestions on how to polish this recipe up? Maybe a replacement for hemp? And add other stuff?
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    Alternatives to gluten as a binder?

    Are there other proteins that work like gluten in bread that can be substituted to give it similar elasticity?
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    Making candy from candy?

    Can a person melt hard candy and remold it, or are there complications and pitfalls to that?
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    First rectangular pizza?

    Does anyone know when the first rectangular or squared pizza was made?
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    Dining Halls. How to rent them.

    This isn't completely off topic but I was wondering how dining halls are typically rented for events? A friend tells me you often need to know someone. I would intend to bring my own food. Just need shelter, maybe a TV, and tables/chairs. Nothing fancy.
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    What is the best material for cutting boards?

    What is the best material for cutting boards for meat, vegetables, and kneeding dough?
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    Potato recipe. Garlic prepared how? I found this Rachel Ray recipe. Am I cooking garlic alongside the potatoes or is it to be grated or something mixed in oil?
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    Rosemary fresh or shaker bottle?

    Are there many situations when dry rosemary in a bottle is preferred to fresh?
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    Worst restaurant violations?

    How many here have worked in restaurants and witnessed something gross that a coworker did that clearly they shouldn't have? Or something that is done by lots of people in the restaurant that is very iffy? Where I currently work chicken wings have hit the floor after being cooked and the person...
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    French Fries and white cheddar popcorn?

    Would it be weird to try to combine French fries and white cheddar popcorn flavor?
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    Pubs with popcorn and peanut on ground?

    Are there many establishments that have kernals and peanut shells on the ground? Like a German pub? We used to have a place like that around here.
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    Cleaning a juicer.

    How does one get the stains out of the plastic pieces of a juicer? Also the metal spinning blade with lots of surface area. Is there a good solution to soak the parts in?
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