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The friendliest place on the web for anyone that enjoys cooking.
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  1. Jade Emperor

    I’m doing a themed dinner - thoughts?

    Hello all! I’m cooking a themed dinner and the theme is “What Your Mama Used To Make”. About fifteen guests I know this is very fraught with problems because I don’t really know what everyone’s mums cooking tasted like. And there is nothing like your mum’s cooking. Concept: All RSVPs with a...
  2. Jade Emperor

    What Are Your Other Interests?

    probably been done, but we all come together here to discuss cooking (hence the name!) What are your other interests besides cooking? I like musical theatre, I’m a musician, I like crime shows on tv and I love my doggy. Please let us all know about yourself!
  3. Jade Emperor

    Wok Hei

    Hello! Some may remember that I purchased a high powered wok burner some time ago. I had to get it altered by a friend who works in gas, because it was VERY dodgy as it came. Probably would have exploded, it was really badly made. But now that everything has been addressed, it’s a winner! The...
  4. Jade Emperor

    YOUR dish, and when you give way

    Sure, this has been done before, but 2024 updates. This time, let’s make it a little harder. What is YOUR signature dish? And who/what/where/why’s dish do you give way to? What dish is just simply better done by someone else? I will start to show you my hand. I make a mean beef cheek daube. It’s...
  5. Jade Emperor

    Do You Have A “Secret Weapon?"

    Of course, you needn’t reveal it, because it’s a secret, right? But do you have any secret weapons when it comes to your cooking? Little things, maybe spices, herbs or just techniques that you use where the guests love your dish and can’t quite identify why. I will reveal one of my favourite...
  6. Jade Emperor


    With thanks to Uncle Roger. Who here uses MSG? I certainly do absolutely. I use it in place of salt, although it is a type of salt. Chinese food headache is a myth that has been debunked all over. Maybe too much MSG, which like any other ingredient can make you feel unwell. MSG has a softer...
  7. Jade Emperor

    Biggest Bag of Spanish Onions!

    Seasons Greetings to all my GC family! A friend of mine works for a large fruit and vegetable supplier, mostly to restaurants etc. For Christmas, he gave us a caterer’s sized bag of red onions. Now, I know that there are best for salad and best used raw. Also, being a chef in a different...
  8. Jade Emperor

    Those little things that your mum or dad used to do?

    That have now become part of your own cooking? My example: My mum used to create the absolute best crispy roast potatoes, which for the life of me, I just couldn’t recreate. Sure, I knew about par-boiling and tossing them in the pan for that roughened texture, but still not as good. Sadly, my...
  9. Jade Emperor

    Complete Kitchen Reno - advice?

    Hello dear DCers So the time is approaching. For background, my father passed away last year and I inherited his house, the family home where I grew up. Option was obviously to sell for a substantial amount of money, or move in and return it to my family home. We moved in. Now, this house was...
  10. Jade Emperor

    If you were doing vegan…

    What would be an appropriate swap out for cream?
  11. Jade Emperor

    Your Favourite Ingredient

    Wow! This will be a tough challenge, so I am going to set a few rules. 1) salt, pepper, oil, is out 2) no ingredients that are almost impossible to source - ie: sashimi grade fish. 3) The ingredients you choose must reflect the dishes you actually make. I could easily make lobster for days...
  12. Jade Emperor

    When Partner Says No

    Hello. I have been making my chicken Katsu for years and it is one of MrJade’s all time favourite dishes from me. Just tonight, I asked how I might elevate the dish, make it even better! What might he think could make it even better? He quickly responded that he does not want me to change my...
  13. Jade Emperor

    Friday 29 September - Change of Season Dinner?

    Yiros 🫠
  14. Jade Emperor

    Wednesday 27 September- Buon Appetit!

    Prawn and Chicken with Asian Vegetables and Fried Rice 🫠
  15. Jade Emperor

    Thoughts on wood for kitchen countertops?

    Hello beautiful people! I’m currently planning my design for my new kitchen. As you may have read, I recently inherited my childhood family home and have moved in. The house was built in the mid fifties and hasn’t really had a lot of work done to it. The bathroom has been renovated and there...
  16. Jade Emperor

    The Existential Question About Chillies

    Wasn’t sure where to put this, but chilli is a fruit, so I am not wrong! The existential question is obviously - “do you deseed before adding it to your cooking?” I don’t. A lot of people believe that the heat in a chilli comes from the seeds, but this is not entirely accurate. Much of the heat...
  17. Jade Emperor

    Well, okay yes, I went there…

    Hello fellow loved ones! After much hand-wringing, weeping and general inner turmoil, I tamed my scratch and have bought a high-powered gas wok burner! This piece will only be used outside, as I’m really not that interested in burning the house down. I have been exploring the magically...
  18. Jade Emperor

    The Only Thread Where You Are Allowed To Shill!

    Hello everyone! I’m interested to hear about products and ingredients that you use that you will always go to. I’m a very keen advocate of always fresh and always the best, but I know that we all can’t be the same, and I too buy ingredients that I am either too lazy to make, or that the bought...
  19. Jade Emperor

    Sunday, August 27 - I Can’t Believe It’s (so much!) Butter

    Hello from the Antipodes, where it is Sunday now. Tonight, my menu will be digging into the cobwebs of my memories from my days in fine dining techniques and French gastronomy. More to be revealed later, but just as I am doing my planning, it strikes me that there is SO MUCH butter in these...
  20. Jade Emperor

    Thursday 24 August - What’s On The Menu?

    Moroccan Beef 🫠
  21. Jade Emperor

    Hump Day Wednesday 16 August Menu

    Indian Goat Curry with Coconut Dal 🫠 Cook’s Notes: I didn’t tell MrJade that it was goat, because he would have automatically hated it. He’s funny with strange ingredients that he isn’t used to. It was lovely, but as always, quite a bit of work to do it all from scratch. Wouldn’t present my...
  22. Jade Emperor

    Som Dtam - Green Papaya Salad

    Hey there! Does anyone else make this and love it as much as I do? It’s a very popular Thai dish, and again, many regional variations. I always warn people that it is HOT! I’ve tried to keep the heat down when I know that some of my guests will find the heat of my traditional recipe too...
  23. Jade Emperor

    Tables of Plenty, Sunday August 13

    Korean Fried Shrimp with Bok Choy in Oyster, Honey and Garlic Glaze 🫠
  24. Jade Emperor

    Sticker Shock - cost of living etc.

    Hello there! I’m interested to know what your experiences of the current cost of living crisis have been? What products have you seen jump in price beyond reasonable expectations? Can you simply put it down to the current issues with increased pressures or have some things just gone...
  25. Jade Emperor

    Friday August 4 - Feeding Time

    Cajun Shrimp with Bean Chilli 🫠
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