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  1. Jade Emperor

    Thursday, May 30, 2024, what are you eating?

    Geng Gati 🫠
  2. Jade Emperor

    Wednesday, 5/29 food -- Hey K-Girl...

    JFC (Jade Fried Chicken) and chips, Chestnut Gravy 🫠 I make a batch of seasoning, usually using rice or tapioca flour and my “eleven secret herbs and spices” and MrJade and I jokingly call it JFC. There’s actually nowhere near 11 herbs or spices. And it’s not really all that close to the...
  3. Jade Emperor

    Tuesday, May 28, 2024 - Original or Repeat of Yesterday? What's for dinner?

    Seafood Curry Claypot with Noodles 🫠
  4. Jade Emperor

    Weekend food 2024 May 25 supper

    Blue Swimmer Crab Chilli Linguine 🫠
  5. Jade Emperor

    I’m doing a themed dinner - thoughts?

    Thank you for your kind words @GinnyPNW - I really love your story! Part of my enjoyment when I cook is the simple fact that I get to watch the most beautiful satisfaction on the face of my guests. It is how and why I was able to spend an entire career as a chef. The grind, the toil, missing...
  6. Jade Emperor

    I’m doing a themed dinner - thoughts?

    Haha - I just got back a RSVP from a guest who told me that they had fond memories of their mother making lobster thermidor as a regular dish as a child. Hmmm…
  7. Jade Emperor

    Calzone or Stromboli, That Is The Question

    I’m going to perhaps generalise here, and absolutely no offence is intended. Italian people are very territorial, so they name basically the very same foods with different names to identify them as their own. Realistically, Calzone and Stromboli are the same thing, maybe a slightly different...
  8. Jade Emperor

    I’m doing a themed dinner - thoughts?

    I have sent out the invites and I used “memories” as the template theme. So far, I have three RSVP’s. One guest has replied with “ham steaks with pineapple and cherry”. Yikes! I will probably do that as a canapé to be passed around with pre-dinner drinks. Another has returned with roast chicken...
  9. Jade Emperor

    I’m doing a themed dinner - thoughts?

    The other thing that comes to mind, and please don’t think that I am going big note on myself - but a lot of my guests would be perhaps intimidated by a potluck. Imagine being invited to a potluck with Blumenthal. Everyone on the guest list here knows that I am a chef (or was). Therefore the...
  10. Jade Emperor

    I’m doing a themed dinner - thoughts?

    I had thought about a potluck style event, but I waiver on that thought. It’s like a threesome - someone always gets left out. I have done some potlucks that turned out slightly ugly, because sometimes the “salt cod” gets no love and the provider gets a bit upset. Also there is the fact that it...
  11. Jade Emperor

    I’m doing a themed dinner - thoughts?

    @blissful not a problem here. Salt cod (gag) has never been a thing in Australia. I’m just waiting to see how much meatloaf I will have to make. Prawn cocktails all around for fancy.
  12. Jade Emperor

    What about 'monosodium glutimate'?

    @blissful - OMG! You’ve never had Oregano poisoning? It makes you wee pasta! I adore food nonsense. Did you know that eating more than makes you feel full can make you gain weight?
  13. Jade Emperor

    What about 'monosodium glutimate'?

    MSG is a much milder salt than Western tastes are used to, therefore a lot of cooks use far too much. It’s a wonderful ingredient when you use it correctly. I’m a deep dive cook into Thai cuisine and I love it because it’s a very versatile and complex part of the meal. At the moment I am...
  14. Jade Emperor

    What about 'monosodium glutimate'?

    Calling Uncle Roger
  15. Jade Emperor

    Do you take the skin off bratwurst before cooking?

    I’m confused, but that’s not unusual. Why do you want to make brat without the casing? What is the goal? Isn’t brat without casing just a mince? (Haggis done well is really good - some tatties and a droplet of gravy on the side please)
  16. Jade Emperor

    I’m doing a themed dinner - thoughts?

    Hello all! I’m cooking a themed dinner and the theme is “What Your Mama Used To Make”. About fifteen guests I know this is very fraught with problems because I don’t really know what everyone’s mums cooking tasted like. And there is nothing like your mum’s cooking. Concept: All RSVPs with a...
  17. Jade Emperor

    What did you eat Tuesday, May 21, 2024?

    Katsu 🫠
  18. Jade Emperor

    Monday, May 20, 2024, what did you eat?

    Rib Eye Fillet with Horseradish Mash, Veg and a Port Jus 🫠
  19. Jade Emperor

    Sunday May 19th, 2024 where did dinner go?

    Chicken and Mushroom Fettuccine in Garlic Cream Sauce 🫠
  20. Jade Emperor

    What are you eating Thursday, May 16, 2024?

    Pat Kra Pao Talay 🫠
  21. Jade Emperor

    What are you eating Tuesday. May 14, 2024?

    Meatloaf with Mash, Peas and Baby Carrots 🫠
  22. Jade Emperor

    Question about cast iron care?

    For me, it’s always clean it and then a light spray of oil from a spray can. Nothing more.
  23. Jade Emperor

    Thursday May 9, 2024, what's for dinner?

    Smoked Salmon Steak with Cauliflower, Broccoli Cheese and Peas - it was fing delicious!!
  24. Jade Emperor

    Thoughts on wood for kitchen countertops?

    And over here will be the don’t get me started counter. 🤣
  25. Jade Emperor

    Thoughts on wood for kitchen countertops?

    I have chosen a marble bench top, after all the great advice from here!
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