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  1. S

    Uses for my smoker box if I don't end up using it in my Weber smoky?

    When it comes to smoking food inside a box, it's worth noting that without specialized smoking pits or equipment like Weber smokers, it can be tough to get the desired outcome. This kind of experiment might just end up drying out or burning the product, rather than giving it that traditional...
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    Cheese Storage

    Overall, storing cheese in a vacuum is not the best way to preserve its freshness and taste. It's recommended to store cheese in a special paper or plastic packaging that allows for air circulation around the product
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    How much to you worry about what you eat?

    If I had to rate myself, I'd say a 5. I make an effort to eat clean, keep my water intake up. I avoid the heavy, greasy foods. But every now and then, I'll indulge in a burger
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    TIL... (today I learned)

    Listening to music while working out can boost your performance by up to 30%. That's why I always exercise to music.
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    What about 'monosodium glutimate'?

    Sodium glutamate is a very dangerous additive that causes a lot of side effects. I have nothing to do with it at all.
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    Do you take the skin off bratwurst before cooking?

    I usually peel the casing off sausages before cooking them. I don't like the sound when you bite into it.
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    Two questions about Pasta

    Well-packed gnocchi can be stored for several days.
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    Found an outstanding way to cook ham!

    I totally get why you enjoyed making this recipe. The ham on the bone cooking method you described sounds pretty straightforward, so I'll definitely give it a try.
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    Question about cast iron care?

    The gray residue after cleaning could be built-up grease or just signs of use. Over years of use, cast iron can develop a variety of appearances, but this is normal and not related to cleaning mistakes.
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    Rotisserie Chicken thoughts?

    I love grilled chicken, man. It's so cheap and delicious. I haven't had it in ages, I really need to switch it up.
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    Ants in the spring....

    Ugh, this is exactly why I hate spring so much. They're just everywhere.
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    Best store bought macaroni and cheese

    If you have an oven, you can make mac and cheese in it. Just cook the macaroni, then drain it and mix it with cheese and other ingredients in a baking dish.
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    What Are Your Other Interests?

    I used to enjoy collecting antiques, often going to markets to find them. I loved the process of hunting for items!
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    What did you eat on Monday, April 22, 2024?

    It looks so delicious. What could be better than potatoes?
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    Greetings from Finland

    That's really cool that you're trying something new. It won't be easy, but you'll make it!
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    Today's Funny

    Hahaha, classic problem
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