Apples vs apple cider vinegar

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Senior Cook
Nov 9, 2020
does apple cider vinegar have the same nutrients as apples? In other words would drinking a shot of apple cider vinegar give the same nutrients as eating an apple? Maybe this is a technical question beyond what most of us are able to answer.
In vinegar the carbs and sugars are metabolized into alcohol first then into acetic acid.
As @jennyema says, no.

There are probably some anti-oxidants in vinegar but not anywhere near what is in the apple. An apple also provides a sense of fullness in the stomach with the fiber and the carbohydrates.
An active vinegar (you'll notice the mother near the bottom of the container-a semi-transparent gel like blob) will encourage good gut bacteria that will help a person digest their food. It is a probiotic. It will also assist immune function and provide a healthier gut lining.
Both the apple and AC vinegar are very good for you. I try to get both every day, one way or another.
Raw, unfiltered apple cider vinegar has some excellent health benefits, but I don't know if they are the same benefits as fresh apples.

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