Gluten Free Lemon Feather Cake

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Gravy Queen

Head Chef
Mar 1, 2012
Over the rainbow
A tried and test Original Recipe:

Lemon Feather Cake

3 eggs separated
5oz castor sugar
Grated rind of half small lemon
70g (2 and half oz) potato flour or cornflour

150 ml double cream
150g lemon curd

To complete:
Icing sugar for dusting

You will need a 7 inch tin or deep cake tin. Greased and lined. Then dusted with castor sugar followed by potato flour.

Pre head oven to 180c 350f Gas mark 4. Beat egg yolks, castor sugar and lemon for 10 -15 mins until light and fluffy and pale and thick. Enough to leave a trail for 8 seconds when lifted. . Fold in the potato flour with a metal spoon. Whisk egg whites until stiff but not dry. Fold into the lemon mixture. Pour into the prepared tin and bake for 40 -50 mins or until firm to touch and puffed and golden.

Leave to cool before turning out. Cool on rack. To make the filling whip the cream, but not too stiff and fold in the lemon curd. Split cake with serrated knife. Sandwich the halves together with the filling. Dust top with icing sugar. Can be frozen filled.


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