Immature Butternut Squash

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Master Chef
Dec 25, 2006
Long Island, New York
I have a bunch of immature butternut squashes that likely will not have enough time to fully mature. Just curious if there is anything for me to do with them at this stage ? Its about 2 or 3 inches.


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They should have enough time to mature. I usually get some in late September or early October, and those might not have time, but even those grow large enough to use in their immature state - just use soon.

I just found something disgusting - where the early crop I got of butternut squash was curing, and I was ready to take the 12 of them to the basement, one had that sort of "wrinkled" look, I watch for all winter, and it when I went to pick it up, a finger went into it! I very carefully moved it into a tray, and moved it to my compost. It was one of those "Butterbush" type I tried these last two seasons, and won't grow again. Only one per plant, smaller, and none lasted very long, but this was the worst! I still have one of the Polaris from last season, on my counter, I have to use!
So far , im getting a decent amount that have fully matured . The vines looked all but dead a few weeks ago during the heat wave, but the past few weeks have seem to ' come alive' again, producing more fruit. some will make it, some wont. Its just strange how well the new growth looks compared to the rickety old earlier part of the vine that honestly, I thought was dead and was about to pull it.
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