Italian Meatball Recipe

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Andy M.

Certified Pretend Chef
Sep 1, 2004

1 Tb Olive Oil
1 Ea Small Onion, minced
3 Cl Garlic, minced
1 Lb Ground Beef
1 Lb Ground Veal
½ Lb Ground Pork
1¼ C Bread Crumbs
¾ C Pecorino Romano, grated
2 Tb Italian Parsley, chopped
3 Lg Eggs
2 Tb Oil

Place 1 tablespoon of the olive oil in a skillet over medium heat. Sauté the onion and garlic for 3 minutes or until the onion is translucent. Set aside to cool.

In a large bowl, thoroughly combine all the ingredients, except for the last oil amount. including the cooled onion mixture.

Shape the mixture into balls approximately the size of a large egg. You should end up with 24 meatballs.

Brown the meatballs in a hot skillet in the remaining olive oil.1 Add them to Sunday Ragu to complete cooking. Deglaze the pan with some of the sauce and return it to the pot.

1 Alternatively, place the meatballs on a rack in a half-sheet pan and bake in a 450ºF oven until well browned.
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That looks like a fine recipe! Gotta say, I love spaghetti & meatballs.
One little thing I do to amp up the flavour and umami is to add a bit of better than beef boullion to the mix.
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Take that recipe and form it into a volcano shaped mountain, complete wit a crater on top. After baking until done through, pour marinara sauce into the crater, letting it spill down the sides. Remove oils from baking sheet, and spread mashed black beans over the pan, all around your volcano. Place cauliflower, and broccoli flowerets in place to represent trees. You now have an edible Mt. Vesuvius. This makes a great centerpiece.

Another fun idea would be to make a trebuchet looking device with meatballs as the ammo load, non functional of course:LOL:.

Seeeeya; Chief Longwind of the North
I add fresh basil and oregano. Plus a bit of dry oregano.
I have often wondered. Why do you use various tipes of meat?

Here in Texas, I think the meatballs are generaly All Beef.

Though now, we are being over run by Wild Hogs!

Eric, Austin Tx.
I have often wondered. Why do you use various tipes of meat?

Here in Texas, I think the meatballs are generaly All Beef.

Though now, we are being over run by Wild Hogs!

Eric, Austin Tx.

Different types of meat have different flavors and different amounts of fat content, and I think a combination has better flavor and texture. I generally like 1 lb. ground beef and a half pound of ground pork.
People often ask me what I miss most since becoming vegetarian/ vegan.
Meatballs would be #1.
I have tasted some really good vegetarian 'meatballs', but none of the vegan ones are that good.
Hope you guys all enjoy what I haven't had in 30 + years :)

Looks dood Andy.
Hah! Fat fingers. Dood!

C'mon, larry. Come to the dark side. Eat a meatball. To quote Dom Delouise, "It'll make you feel better."

Btw, real Italian meatballs have 3 As in them: meataballs.
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