Late supper thread, again. Monday 2023 December 18

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Chef Extraordinaire
Moderator Emeritus
Sep 13, 2010
near Montreal, Quebec
I tried a new to me recipe. It's a Danish dish and I'm pretty sure my mum used to make it, but she never gave it a name. It can be called "ild i røret", which means fire in the pipe (tube). In this case the pipe/tube is your oesophagus or at least that is the best guess I have read for the name.

So, it's ground beef, but could be chicken or pork and it could be chunks. There is a whole lot of sliced onion. There's sliced carrots, and thinly sliced cabbage. The onions are sweated with a bunch of hot curry powder or paste. Then the meat is browned, the other veg is added and so is some short pasta, e.g., penne or fusilli or even elbow macaroni. Or, if you prefer it could be rice. Some crushed tomato or tomato sauce is added. Finally the cabbage is added and it is all cooked until the cabbage is tender and the pasta or rice is fully cooked. That's the basic recipe. Additions of garlic, cayenne, cumin, other veg (I used some celeriac), and Worcestershire are all optional.

That was really good, surprisingly so. I made what was supposed to be four servings. We ate a lot, but still had about six cups of leftovers. According to the comments of the various recipes I saw, the leftovers make excellent soup. It's not very pretty. But, here's a photo anyways.

ild i røret, Danish for fire in the pipe or tube.jpg
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Yesterday baked cookies all afternoon. Also cooked up some giant pasta shells for stuffing. Of course, cooked way too many shells and was nibbling and stuffing and more nibbles, then a few more nibbles. I guess that was my supper.
Giant pasta shells, a teaspoon of leftover ricotta and spinach plus a slight smear of Vodka sauce left on the rubber spatula.

Looking forward to tonight's meal (Tues) when I put it all together properly.
Yesterday, I got everything cleaned up, and back in place in my kitchen, after making and baking the cookies, and got back to cooking some Indian food - something I was having a craving for. I wanted to use up some things I had in the fridge - a large red bell pepper, and 24 oz of sliced mushrooms I got for 79¢/8 oz, from lidl, a while ago (I usually don't buy them sliced, but couldn't pass that up!). I started with the usual chopped onion in a couple of tb oil in the Instant Pot in SAUTÉ, and after about 3 minutes, added the diced bell pepper, cooked about 5 minutes, then added about a tb of ginger/garlic paste, from the freezer, 10 curry leaves (more later) plus 3 tb malvani masala powder, and stirred for about a minute, then added 4½ c water. Then I mixed in 1 c of chana dal and 3/4 c oat groats, both rinsed, salted almost to taste, then set to BEANS to pressure cook 15 min, and let the pressure release naturally.

Meanwhile, I rinsed the mushrooms, put them in a NS wok (the water stuck on them is enough to steam them), and put the lid on, over med high heat, and after they foam up, I stir once, then after the mushrooms have shrunk, and released much of their water, I removed the cover, and boil it off. Then I add about a tb of oil, and brown the mushrooms, stirring occasionally, until well browned. I added a little water to deglaze the pan, leaving it stuck on the mushrooms, then added that to the cooked dal and oat mix. I added a little more salt to this, and 3/4 tsp garam masala, and stirred in about 1/4 c red lentil, to thicken it slightly, then simmered another 10 min. While simmering, I prepared the tarka - 3/4 tsp each mustard seeds and cumin seeds, cooked in a tb of oil in a small pan until crackling, then added 5 dry Thai chilis, cooking until starting to brown, about 10 sec, then stirred in 3/4 tsp asafoetida and 10 curry leaves, and in 5 more seconds scraped this onto the curry, and simmered briefly, while chopping the cilantro, which I finished it off with.
A curry, seasoned with malvani masala powder, cooked with some chana dal, and oat groats. by pepperhead212, on Flickr

A malvani curry, with chana dal and oat groats, pressure cooked 15 minutes in IP, with mushrooms added. by pepperhead212, on Flickr

About a quarter cup of red lentils added to the curry, to thicken a little. by pepperhead212, on Flickr

Ingredients for the tarka. by pepperhead212, on Flickr

Tarka added to the curry, after cooking. by pepperhead212, on Flickr

The finished malvani curry, with a little cilantro added. by pepperhead212, on Flickr

Individual chicken pot pies. I had half of a Costco chicken with all the meat picked off. Made stock with the carcass for the filling. Scratch made crust and bob’s your uncle. These are 2 cup capacity soup bowls, got four out it all. DH claimed that it wouldn’t be enough. Yeah right. He couldn’t finish!!
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