Reheating Frozen Spring Roll Question

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Master Chef
Dec 25, 2006
Long Island, New York
I made a bunch of spring rolls a few weeks ago.
Didnt deep fry, just sprayed with pam and baked ( to try and reduce the amount of oil). Now that its only the two of us, we had plenty left over. We froze them, and want to eat them with tomorrow nights dinner.

A few months ago we did the same thing, and reheated them successfully.but of course, I dont remember what we did.

Should we reheat/bake there from the frozen stage?
Should we defrost then heat/bake them?

Im thinking if we defrost first, they may get soggy.

Your thoughts ?
IF you reheat from frozen you run the risk of over cooking the wrapper to heat the filling. I'd defrost it first then heat it.
Unfortunately, I no longer make them from scratch.

I buy frozen, different brands from various stores and bake them from frozen, with no problems at all..

I agree with Ross - I've done my own frozen and store bought frozen - cooked from frozen. I must admit it has been awhile being single haven't really had the craving. Now yuh's got me thinking.
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