Sat. Jan 6, '24 Dinner

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Master Chef
Mar 25, 2008
I tried this new recipe from @larry_stewart 's suggestion.
Just curious if anyone else has tried similar recipes/ techniques as above , and what they thought of the results.

I used what I had, and skipping the meat, dairy, oil. I made 1/2 the volume of the recipe. It's a huge recipe.
Winter Minestrone
It's creamy and very good. I'd make this again. The tomato was good with the split peas.
PIZZA! Pepperoni plus shallots on one half. It turned out pretty good. I swear it was round when I put it in the oven.

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We're probably going to get snow next week, so the last couple of days have been devoted to grocery shopping and going to the laundromat. I don't know why that should take so much time, but it does. I leave the house at 10am and get home after 3pm and I'm too tired to cook when I get home. So dinner tonight was a Whopper Jr from Burger King and a salad I picked up at the store. I'll get more creative as the week goes on.
I tried this new recipe from @larry_stewart 's suggestion.

I used what I had, and skipping the meat, dairy, oil. I made 1/2 the volume of the recipe. It's a huge recipe.
Winter Minestrone
It's creamy and very good. I'd make this again. The tomato was good with the split peas.
Glad it worked out. Still haven't gotten around to trying it yet.
I've been struggling with some really horrible sciatica on my left side. Today had me enjoying Rx strength ibuprofen with Tylenol. To go along with this, I had shrimp and grits at the coffee shop for brunch and beef with string beans for dinner. Somewhere along the way, six comfort donuts found their way home. Other than whimpering, I've watched the flames in the fireplace and football.
I've been struggling with some really horrible sciatica on my left side. Today had me enjoying Rx strength ibuprofen with Tylenol . . .
Kathleen, I used to have a serious problem with sciatica on my right side. My PCP suggested physical therapy. The relief was immediate and complete! I do exercises every day and have had zero pain since.
Kathleen, I used to have a serious problem with sciatica on my right side. My PCP suggested physical therapy. The relief was immediate and complete! I do exercises every day and have had zero pain since.
I had it once before, and PT was amazing. I'm back in PT now, and it is helping. However, it is far from as it was before. I am doing the exercises faithfully but confess I did let them lapse for a time earlier in November. (If I get this under control, never again will I let it lapse.)

Last month, it would get better as I moved about. Now, not as much. The physical therapists are going to try a dry needle treatment on Tuesday. I have my fingers crossed. This round came on quickly and just is not responding like before. The worst part is I can barely support any weight on the left side when I first stand up. Distressing....but hope burns eternal for the PT miracles.
I have lower back issues that sometimes pinch my sciatic nerve down my right leg. I did six weeks of PT in November and December of 2023, and my back pain got worse, not better. But, I got the referral from my PCP, who is terrible. Seems my Health Insurance only covers PCPs from third world medical schools. :rolleyes:

I did find some stretches on YouTube that help somewhat when sciatica kicks in.

I had it once before, and PT was amazing. I'm back in PT now, and it is helping. However, it is far from as it was before. I am doing the exercises faithfully but confess I did let them lapse for a time earlier in November. (If I get this under control, never again will I let it lapse.)

Last month, it would get better as I moved about. Now, not as much. The physical therapists are going to try a dry needle treatment on Tuesday. I have my fingers crossed. This round came on quickly and just is not responding like before. The worst part is I can barely support any weight on the left side when I first stand up. Distressing....but hope burns eternal for the PT miracles.

I understand how you feel, been through it. The pain was pure torture, I know, I remember I didn't sleep for six weeks! Sorry, don't want to scare you, but you say it isn't the first time so you know how to keep it under control with PT, I was stupid not to do it, I will know better next time (I sometimes feel it starting up again😞).
All the best to you.
I have lower back issues that sometimes pinch my sciatic nerve down my right leg. I did six weeks of PT in November and December of 2023, and my back pain got worse, not better. But, I got the referral from my PCP, who is terrible. Seems my Health Insurance only covers PCPs from third world medical schools. :rolleyes:

I did find some stretches on YouTube that help somewhat when sciatica kicks in.

My biggest fears. 🤗 Hopefully you are on the mend.
One of my local grocery stores, Jewel, had a special going one: buy one, get two free on Italian sausage and pork tenderloin (other things was well, but they didn't interest me). The thing about such deals is that the stores tend to jack up the price beforehand, so one must be careful to watch the overall price. The sausage was $7.49, meaning each 20 oz. package was $2.50, which is excellent. The pork tenderloin was $6.69/lb., meaning my price was about $2.25/lb. (the free tenderloins were a tiny bit smaller than the one I paid for). That's not bad for this time of year. The bottom line here was that I picked up six meals worth of meat for under $20! I'll jump on that all the time!

So, on Saturday it was Italian sausage. I used two medium cans tomato sauce, five sliced cloves of garlic, one package sausage, about a tsp each of basil and oregano, perhaps a quarter cup of red wine and some water. I simmered this about two hours and served over thick spaghetti. It was wonderful.
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