What did you eat Wednesday, May 8, 2024?

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Chef Extraordinaire
Apr 5, 2009
Did anyone eat yesterday?

Dinner last night was mini naan pizzas topped with tomato sauce, mozzarella, parmigiano reggiano & pecorino romano cheeses, sweet Italian sausage, baby bella mushrooms, red & green bell peppers.

Yesterday, I decided to go with an easy option for supper. I cut some veg into small chunks - carrots, celeriiac, red onion, and a potato that I nuked to parcook it, then peeled it and sliced it. I tossed that with some of my batch vinaigrette as an easy marinade. I put a chicken leg on the pan too and doused it in some more of the vinaigrette. Then, I roasted that in the toaster oven. It was pretty darned good. Another time, I'll make sure the chicken doesn't stick to the pan. Some of the skin stuck and that chicken would have looked better, if those bits of skin hadn't come off.

Chicken leg roasted with veggies.jpg
Yesterday, I decided to go with an easy option for supper. I cut some veg into small chunks - carrots, celeriiac, red onion, and a potato that I nuked to parcook it, then peeled it and sliced it. I tossed that with some of my batch vinaigrette as an easy marinade. I put a chicken leg on the pan too and doused it in some more of the vinaigrette. Then, I roasted that in the toaster oven. It was pretty darned good. Another time, I'll make sure the chicken doesn't stick to the pan. Some of the skin stuck and that chicken would have looked better, if those bits of skin hadn't come off.

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I love celeriac! (I also love your cutlery!)
I love celeriac! (I also love your cutlery!)
Celeriac is good stuff. I am quite fond of that cutlery, myself. I inherited it from my mum. I don't think she ever used it herself. My mum found two sets of 8 settings (more or less) at an estate sale. She bought them both, one set for me and one for my sister. They are Georg Jensen. It's called "Konge" (king) in Danish and Acorn in English. By the way, you can tell it's one of the very old (early 1900s) sets by the knife. On the new ones, the proportions of the knife blade and handle are reversed. It saves silver to have a long stainless steel blade and shorter sterling silver handle, as compared to the way they used to make them.
I have heard of Georg Jensen Taxy. I didn't realise I had such good taste in cutlery! You are very fortunate to have them, and I love that you are using them. (Too many people put things away and and never use them.) I would use them too if I was lucky enough to have such lovely things. (y)
I have heard of Georg Jensen Taxy. I didn't realise I had such good taste in cutlery! You are very fortunate to have them, and I love that you are using them. (Too many people put things away and and never use them.) I would use them too if I was lucky enough to have such lovely things. (y)
Yeah, I figure they aren't going to break the way wine glasses do and they aren't going to wear out, so why not use them? Of course I make extra sure that they get promptly, hand washed, so there aren't any oopses with them falling in the garbage.
Yeah, I figure they aren't going to break the way wine glasses do and they aren't going to wear out, so why not use them? Of course I make extra sure that they get promptly, hand washed, so there aren't any oopses with them falling in the garbage.
I totally agree. I have friends who have inherited lovely china dinner services and they never use them. Their kids (all boys) have absolutely no interest in them, and they are just boxed up in their attics. I would be using them - after all, that is what they were made for.
Bagel Burger with white American cheese on an everything bagel Wednesday...


Old photo.

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