Dinner, Wednesday 3/2/16?

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Master Chef
Apr 18, 2005
Northern New Mexico
I can't wait for dinner tonight, haven't made this in years.

Kadesma's pork chops in onion sauce :yum:.

What's on your dinner plate/bowl tonight?
What We are Having for Dinner Tonight

Soup/Stew/Veggie: 1-2 tlbs EVOO Saute chopped large onion
Add 3 sliced carrots 2 stalks celery chopped 1 can diced tomatoes
1 can chick peas 2 tlbs lentils 2 tlbs brown rice 1 cup shredded red cabbage
1 peeled sliced sweet potato 6 cups veggie or chicken broth
season: parsley, cumin, cayenne, salt pepper when cooked about 1hour
add 1/4 cup ww tiny pasta. Taste enjoy Served with home baked health
I'm going to make soup with Italian sausage, leftover cooked seasoned orrechiette, a package of ratatouille I froze last summer, a can of diced tomatoes, a quart of homemade chicken stock, a Parmesan cheese rind and a bay leaf. Will season as necessary with whatever sounds good later :LOL:

Green salads on the side and if I get going now, we can have some fresh bread with it.
A couple of slices of meatloaf, some Bush's baked beans, and steamed broccoli and carrots.
Meatloaf, mashed potatoes, green beans. The meatloaf is made with lean ground turkey and oatmeal (and the usual other stuff), which sounds kind of gross, but tastes pretty good. You wouldn't know it was oatmeal unless you were told.
I bought a little, boneless half-ham the last time I shopped, so that will go into the oven. Also baking a casserole or three of mac and cheese to use up milk before it turns. Since there will be room in the oven, I'll toss a tray of kohlrabi chunks in to roast, too. Will probably so a slow saute-and-simmer with the greens, starting them out in a little bacon-and-grease and simmering with a splotch of chicken broth.
I have a couple of Cornish game hens for dinner tonight. I'll spatchcock them and do a dry rub with salt, lemon pepper and thyme, then oven roast them on a grid of carrots/onion/celery. There will be a baked potato for the SousChef, and steamed broccoli with cheese sauce for both of us.
Change of plans. My headache liked me so much it wouldn't go away. My dear Himself made a mercy run to our favorite Chinese take-out. We each got our own combo plate. Mine was fried rice, egg roll, chicken with cashews; his was more like a pu pu platter with fried shrimp, egg roll and chicken fingers, plus the ubiquitous (and cheap) fried rice. I won't need to cook for days...
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