What's cooking Friday 10/14/2016?

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Chef Extraordinaire
Apr 5, 2009
Tonight I planned Salisbury steak, onion gravy, mashed taters and spinach. Maybe a green salad also.
Burger King.... yeah I shouldnt I know, I will suffer but I promised my dear daughter this as reward. So that is what we had.
TB is going to have roasted chicken thighs with rice and steamed veggies.

I am having rice, steamed veggies and probably a left over fish cake.
We'll have leftover meatloaf and party potatoes from last night. The UW fundraiser ladies outdid themselves on the meatloaf, and it tastes as good or better cold as it did when I baked it. I should probably find a veg somewhere too...though ketchup is a vegetable, right?
I'm making a chile corn chowder, to be served with a garlic bread. Also experimented today with making turnovers with my home canned apple pie filling and phillo sheets. A friend is coming over later this afternoon and if there are any left after that, then apple turnovers for dessert.
Onion Soup

We'll just snack tonight as we've been getting ready for a company brunch at our house tomorrow.

I've put together two casseroles to go into the oven in the morning.....
Eggs Benedict Casserole, served drizzled with hollandaise
Baked Streusel French Toast served with maple syrup
Assorted fruits.
We'll just snack tonight as we've been getting ready for a company brunch at our house tomorrow.

I've put together two casseroles to go into the oven in the morning.....
Eggs Benedict Casserole, served drizzled with hollandaise
Baked Streusel French Toast served with maple syrup
Assorted fruits.

I would love ❤️ both those recipes. They sound great ??.
We got back late yesterday from our road trip to Newport Beach California,
a VERY long car ride ... DH has decided that we should take the "scenic route" from now on ... we got semi-lost four times! Rather than it taking us 6-7 (on the interstate) hours it was 10-11 hours on the back roads, Oye!

We slept in and went to late lunch, early dinner today


... after going to check on our home, we went to this great joint in our new neighborhood... best french dip I've had in for-ever and Chef Salad was DH's order, YUM!
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