What's cooking Sunday May 16, 2010?

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Chef Extraordinaire
Apr 5, 2009
I have 1 lb ground bison, ground beef, baby spinach, leeks, celery, carrots and broccoli crowns.
I am thinking of mixing about a 1/2 lb of the beef with the bison and a small bit of finely minced onion and garlic (not so much to totaly over power the bison). To achieve lean burgers and topping with a slice of mild provolone. I'm thinking the sides may be - baby spinach either steamed with butter or creamed and mashed broccoli (I'm think a mock mashed tater to fool the family LOL).

I cubed and vac sealed and froze some b/s breasts the last time there was a sale so I may save the leeks, celery and carrots to make a quick chicken soup tomorrow. Well those are my tentive plans which may be changed without notice!! LOL
I'm smoke'n some bbq beans now. Meal in a bowl when I make it.:mrgreen:
Gloomy, yucky day. Time for comfort food.

We'll be having country-fried steak with lots of peppery cream gravy, mashed taters, buttered baby peas and freshly made strawberry pie with whipped cream for dessert.
thinking i will make a pasta salad, putting pieces of cooked chicken in it. thawing a thigh for this purpose. not really sure, either, will see after a short nap.
Pasta salad is great, I add some baby spinach leaves to rotini that curly pasta, some chives.and dill,I add about 2 Tab of low or no sodium chicken broth,evoo lemon juice,dijon and black pepper. On the pasta I make mine with cooked wheat pasta and I really like it.
Fish n chips. (actually Gorton's Beer Batter filets and thick-cut oven fries.. but I do have my malt vinegar :) )
Pasta salad is great, I add some baby spinach leaves to rotini that curly pasta, some chives.and dill,I add about 2 Tab of low or no sodium chicken broth,evoo lemon juice,dijon and black pepper. On the pasta I make mine with cooked wheat pasta and I really like it.

used the curly pasta, lol. added celery,red onion, green chili, hardboiled egg.cilantro, lots of cilantro, i love it. squeezed a small amount of lime juice. used new paprika, (got from penzys) little garlic pwd. and mayo. succeeded in making only two servings. i am only one eating it. :chef:
Bison burger, steamed and buttered fresh baby spinach and mashed broccoli.

(I really don't like this picture!!)

What an excellent dinner tonight. Pork snitchel with a lemon/mustard sauce, along with pureed potato/cauliflower with a mushroom maple cream gravy
95 that is fantastic. Way to go
thank you. i took meds plus 2 vinegar pills and 2 cinnamon pills with dinner. i really think the cinnamon and vinegar helps. i grind cinnamon on food when it goes (like plain yogurt) on use red wine or malt vinegar when possible. i love spinach and beef or the bison burgers.

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