What's for Dinner Saturday March 14th?

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Master Chef
Apr 18, 2005
Northern New Mexico
I am starting to put together an oxtail soup (had to look that one up in my funk and wagnalls) and ww dinner rolls..

what's on your dinner table tonight?
Whoa. I haven't seen oxtails in years! It makes the best soup! I bought a big old turkey breast that I'm brining and roasting, I made too much stuffing at Christmas and it came out so well that I froze it and it's breaking out of the freezer for today, and roasted asparagus. I'm hoping that there will be leftovers for meals during the week.
I made roasted vegetables several nights ago with yellow rice and it was so delish that I gotta have it again, but this time I'm gonna attempt to make my own yellow rice.
I'm thinking I'll try the French Onion soup recipe here adding in the leftover roast beef from dinner 2 nights ago. The other option I'm considering is breakfast for supper. I have some red potatoes cooked to cube up and fry with eggs and smoked sausage with biscuits.
I have to work. I am just taking a Ham and Cheese Sandwich on Seeded Rye Bread.
I have an eye-round in the oven cooking pot roast style with onion, carrot, tomato and a package of Lipton soup onion mix. I'll make mashed potatoes and rolls with it.
Okay... this is my absolute favourite potato dish....served with roast chicken & salad..

Garlic Potatoes


Serves 4
Prep Time 15-20 mins
Cooking Time 50mins approx

  • 1.5 kg 3lb potatoes (see Cook’s tips)
  • 140g/5oz Butter
  • 3 Large garlic cloves, crushed

  • Melt the butter, and add the crushed garlic, stir, leave to one side
  • Peel and thinly slice the potatoes (see Cook’s tips)
  • Pour a small amount of the butter, garlic mixture in an oven proof bowl and brush round(see Cook’s tips)
  • Layer the sliced potatoes on top
  • Then brush with the butter, garlic mixture
  • Keep repeating the layers of butter and potatoes
  • Finish with the butter on top
  • Bake in a hot oven 220°C 425°F Gas mark 7 for approx 50 mins
  • Halfway through the cooking time, press the potatoes down firmly with a potato masher
  • At the end of he cooking time, insert a skewer to check if completely cooked, they should be soft all the way through, and nicely browned and crispy on top
  • If not, just put them back in the oven for another 10-15 minutes
  • When cooked, place a plate on top and carefully turn the bowl over
Cook's tips

  • Any potatoes will do, but King Edwards are the best, as they’ve got a good resistance to bruising and slugs
  • I use a mandolin for really thin slicing
  • You can either use a large pyrex bowl or a roasting dish of your choice. If you use a bowl, you can turn it over when cooked and cut it as a cake. Alternatively, dish up straight from the roasting dish

  • Large pyrex bowl (2 pints/1Litre)or roasting dish
Tonight is the Firemen's Ball (actually a real s--t kicking, jeans and t-shirt dance, BYO everything, fund-raiser for out local dept). A friend is cooking dinner before. I'm hoping to dance my feet off. I put a lot of pounds on this winter and am hoping to dance a few of them away.
Had ham and Swiss omelets for lunner with DH before he went to work. I will probably just do a meat pie for Dad and I will have a chef salad later.
Okay... this is my absolute favourite potato dish....served with roast chicken & salad..

Those potatoes look absolutely wonderful. I had to call my husband over to look at the picture (he's a foodie too:chef:), and he said that he ate potatoes similar to those in France and loved them. Now we've got to make them! Thanks for the recipe and the picture. Pictures inspire me :mrgreen:.

Tonight we're having steaks, mushroom/red wine sauce, and baked potatoes----booooring :sleep:.
I had a big lunch with my husband before I took him to the airport so dinner tonight might be white wine, cheese and crackers.

Fried pork chops, green beans, then I sorta saute leftover rice in a little of the grease from the pork chops. Wash it down with Blatz, and thats dinner with Oldrustycars.
Oldest son is coming so we are having his favorites, scallops wrapped in bacon, 3 peppered shrimp, pine nut couscous, broccolini, green salad and ice cream sandwiches..
I love seeing pictures of everyones' dinners! I'm going to start taking pics too and posting them.

The potatoes look awesome, I wonder if that dish could work by small-dicing the potatoes and tossing them in the butter & garlic mixture and then baking them? Or would that make the garlic burn?
I love seeing pictures of everyones' dinners! I'm going to start taking pics too and posting them.

The potatoes look awesome, I wonder if that dish could work by small-dicing the potatoes and tossing them in the butter & garlic mixture and then baking them? Or would that make the garlic burn?

I have done them cubed, par boil the cubed potatoes for a few mins...but I use Olive oil & a couple of whole garlic cloves....and a sprig of rosemary on top...then toss them:)
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