What's for dinner Sunday July 11?

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Master Chef
Apr 18, 2005
Northern New Mexico
We are working on leftovers; dh is really liking the beef/lamb burgers I grilled and froze in his absence, and I am eating the scalloped chicken. Cole salw for me as a side; potato chips and bread for dh.

What's cooking at your place?
A promise of a rain-free evening turns the the dinner choice to NY strip steaks on the grill. A tossed salad will compliment the steaks.
Homemade pizzas -- just finished kneading the dough for a good bit and it's rising as we speak =]

A promise of a rain-free evening turns the the dinner choice to NY strip steaks on the grill. A tossed salad will compliment the steaks.

This was last night's dinner for myself and a few friends. So good. Had it with some simple roasted potatoes.
I am going to try my hand at steamed dumplings tonight. I think I might go check out Fred Meyer's and see if they have a bamboo steamer, if not I will just use my other steamer lined with lettuce.
I'm usually better at meal planning than I have been the past week or two, but realized on Friday, as I took home the oversized portions from a restaurant dinner, that I had a fridge full of complete meals of leftovers. A little restaurant, a little over-preparing in case someone came by over the holiday weekend, etc. Turned out to be a good thing, since somehow I hurt my foot and standing for any time to cook isn't a practical option. So leftovers are the name of the game. Tonight it will be barbecued wings and German potato salad I made a week ago.
I'm going to grill bacon wrapped scallops pretty soon, and anyone who doesn't want to eat those can have leftover pork roast.

We're eating early as Ken is off to a football game and Bugs has a practice.
Sunday dinner was...Pork tenderloin.... Cast iron skillet, Stove top, oven method. Garden vegetables of peas, squash, d'maters, and cukes. A small baked spud finished off the plate.
Sunday dinner was...Pork tenderloin.... Cast iron skillet, Stove top, oven method. Garden vegetables of peas, squash, d'maters, and cukes. A small baked spud finished off the plate.

i miss having access to garden fresh veggies. so good and so good for you. markets , at least mine aims at the people that have no clue of veggies other that corn, and green beans. i would kill for a tomato that is not tasteless. i buy hot house, it has some flavor. my gardening skills are, alas are not very good or i would try it again. my tomato plants, i planted three different kinds were not very productive. alack and alas, i need a uncle bob, lol:ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:
i miss having access to garden fresh veggies. so good and so good for you. markets , at least mine aims at the people that have no clue of veggies other that corn, and green beans. i would kill for a tomato that is not tasteless. i buy hot house, it has some flavor. my gardening skills are, alas are not very good or i would try it again. my tomato plants, i planted three different kinds were not very productive. alack and alas, i need a uncle bob, lol:ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:
Oh babe i wish you were closer. I've made a pig of myself with tomatoes. they are wonderful,sweet and juicy.Just dripping with sweetness. I love to slice them and put on fresh white bread with just a little mayo. Heaven

Using newly acquired ....

...cutting techniques, I made pasta with "refrigerator" sauce - which means whatever falls from the fridge. What fell was cherry tomatoes, garlic, onion, and some chicken breasts. I picked some fresh basil from the pot in the front to add in it. Sprinkled black pepper and lemon on the chicken to saute in a bit of olive oil. Cooked thin spaghetti while I made the sauce. The sauce was simply olive oil. I sauteed some garlic and onion that were minced, then added some fresh slice cherry tomatoes. I cooked the cherry tomatoes with the cut ends down until they were soft. Using the spatula, I pressed them a bit and added the basil. Gave it a stir and put it on the pasta. A sprinkle of fresh cracked pepper and kosher salt with a bit of parm (again from the fridge.) It turned out pretty well for no planning or store run! It was also a very pretty dish.


I marinated some boneless chicken breasts and grilled them along with some silver queen corn. We had baked beans and some tomatoes with mozerlla and basil on the side.
Pretty boring tonight - Turkey/swiss sandwich on pumpernickel with tomatoes, mustard and mayonnaise. Homemade coleslaw and potato chips on the side.
Originally Posted by merstar
Pretty boring tonight - Turkey/swiss sandwich on pumpernickel with tomatoes, mustard and mayonnaise. Homemade coleslaw and potato chips on the side.

This sounds really wonderful!

Come on over - I have lots of extra!
We had a relatively light supper of "Mozzarella en Carrozza" last night, using David Rocco's recipe that I saw recently on the "Cooking Network".


It was GREAT. Although he doesn't show any dipping sauce, I provided one that we had at the late great "Orsini's" restaurant in NY - just some warmed extra-virgin olive oil with a few chopped anchovies, some dried Italian seasoning (or dried oregano), & a dash of crushed red pepper flakes.


(Although those on a low-salt diet obviously wouldn't want to try this. It's definitely NOT a low-salt dish.)
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