What's for dinner Tuesday, Sept. 29?

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Master Chef
Apr 18, 2005
Northern New Mexico
I am clearing out all leftovers from the fridge and what does not get eaten goes out for the possums and raccoons;)

What's doing at your house?
I'm clearing out some vegies out of the fridge and freezer that have to be used.

So, I am having kind of a "make as you go" cream of vegetable soup with sliced kielbasa added. It's all in the crock pot now.

I'm going to puree most of the vegies in to a thick soup, after taking out some to add back to the pot. I like a heartier soup. If it's too thick, I'll add a bit more stock.

There is no recipe (even though I tried to find something close).
Yay, I can cook dinner at dinner time as DH is off for three days.

I have some Italian sausage in the freezer I want to use so it will probably be a pasta dish and salad.

I am experimenting with a new cupcake idea for my business so that will be dessert if it turns out. With a batch of ice cream to be named later (I have the vanilla custard cooling in the fridge and I am thinking between cinnamon or using up some strawberries).
You're always welcome but I only have two small filets so I'll just sit and watch you and SO eat them :(

Always the gentleman! I won't deprive you of your filet, but thanks. I have already been told that the ice cream will be vanilla with strawberry, chocolate and white chocolate chunks! Want me to FedEx you some?
Always the gentleman! I won't deprive you of your filet, but thanks. I have already been told that the ice cream will be vanilla with strawberry, chocolate and white chocolate chunks! Want me to FedEx you some?

Please do.
well not sure, i thawed some chicken livers in the fridge. i also have some panko oven baked chicken left. got green beans left. and will hopefully use the last of the new potatoes. won't buy a whole bag just me, again. not really hungry right now so can't decide
Dinner 9/29/09:

Pan fried ham steak and tater tots, salad and garlic bread.


Tuna Salad Footlong from Subway w/ spinach, onions, black olives and tomatoes.

I only ate half so this might show up again tomorrow. More likely tomorrow night.
well not sure, i thawed some chicken livers in the fridge. i also have some panko oven baked chicken left. got green beans left. and will hopefully use the last of the new potatoes. won't buy a whole bag just me, again. not really hungry right now so can't decide

now i am leaning toward breakfast, sausage, pancakes and egg. milk
I made a cheaters mole sauce out of Lynne Rosetto Kasper's "How to Eat Supper" and it turned out great. I also made refried beans and rice. YUM. For dessert a chocolate cupcake from Hello Cupcake.
I have some Italian sausage in the freezer I want to use so it will probably be a pasta dish and salad.

I am experimenting with a new cupcake idea for my business so that will be dessert if it turns out. With a batch of ice cream to be named later (I have the vanilla custard cooling in the fridge and I am thinking between cinnamon or using up some strawberries).

I cooked some penne rigate, then made sausage balls and fried them up with onion and garlic, made a sauce out of chicken stock, milk and flour and added salt, pepper, fresh basil, thyme and oregano. I mixed it all together in a pot, adding some parmesan cheese and served it with salad. It went over very well.

The cupcakes never happened but the vanilla "chunk" ice cream turned out quite well!
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