What's on the plate 8/9/10?

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Chef Extraordinaire
Apr 5, 2009
WOW!! Its 9:20PM and no dinner thread? Did I miss it? If so please forgive and can a mod merge or delete this one.

We went out to my fav hole in the wall for my belated birthday dinner. It was yummy!! Salad, steak and iced tea (super thin crust pizza to go uncut which will be reheated later).

Is anyone else eating tonight?
We had a really eclectic mix of foods for dinner tonight.

We had luleh burgers. A ground lamb and beef burger seasoned with a near eastern combination of spices. I made a batch of dal makhani for us and my neighbors. That was part of dinner too. One of the neighbors I delivered the Dal to gave us some butter chicken.

What a delicious combination of flavors.
use a aram cracker I had, put on cream cheese with chopped green ones and green olives with pimento a little mayo, the lined with arugula and baby spinach, some ham, swiss cheese and thin salami, it turned out good also had sliced tomatos and that was all she wrote.
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I finally went ahead and made some Galliano chicken (like in the most recent issue of "Saveur"). It was great!!! Served with a little risotto, roasted fennel, and fresh sliced heirloom tomatoes. I'm gonna do this one again, using big ol' fat chicken thighs, rather than the pounded chicken breasts with proscuitto and goat cheese. (I rarely use chicken breasts at all). The sauce was to die for! I'd never had Galliano before--the craze for it was a little before my drinkin' days;). So I did make a point to taste it beforehand. The finished sauce really didn't quite taste like the Galliano, it had a unique and wonderful flavor.
My elk burgers on fresh baked foccacia, fresh spinach, tomatoes, onions, avocado, blue cheese and mayo. Excellent with homemade sweet potato fries.
My elk burgers on fresh baked foccacia, fresh spinach, tomatoes, onions, avocado, blue cheese and mayo. Excellent with homemade sweet potato fries.
Those sound so good! Do you "get" your own elk, or do you buy it in the store? Around here, that kind of meat has to be ordered online.
Those sound so good! Do you "get" your own elk, or do you buy it in the store? Around here, that kind of meat has to be ordered online.

My nurses aide hunts and his wife took too much burger out of the freezer to defrost. I was just the lucky recipient of a mistake:)

We are continually trying to outdo each other in our cooking. Makes for exciting and different midnight dinners. We've actually had 4 course meals at work. He grew up in Poland and cooks Polish dishes for me, I just throw things together and he loves everything I cook!
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Tonight (Aug 10th) we're eating Cumberland Pie, a delicious pie of ground beef, finely chopped carrots and caramalized onions, topped with creamy mashed potato. I made a large oven pan of it but it didn't sell, so we're tucking into it later tonight.

It's raining now, perfect weather for comfort food. For dessert I think it's rhubarb crumble and "Creme Anglaise", just another word for plain old custard, but made with heavy cream, a split vanilla pod and some magic that only mum knows how. ;)
Tonight (Aug 10th) we're eating Cumberland Pie, a delicious pie of ground beef, finely chopped carrots and caramalized onions, topped with creamy mashed potato. QUOTE]
That sounds like what we call "Cottage Pie" on this side of the pond. :chef: I wish it were cool and rainy here--just hot 100+ and dry.
Not quite, though cottage pie is made with beef, Cumberland pie is a traditional English dish made of two layers. The bottom layer is usually some meat and vegetables (like beef and carrots) and the top layer consists of mashed potato. Some northern cooks put pickle in the recipe, whereas others use sausage meat or some kind of pork in. Altogether a very nice recipe though.

Moreover, my Cumberland pie has an extra top layer of fine crunchy breadcrumbs (sourdough but, whatever's available), grated Davidstowe Cheddar and dotted with pieces of butter.

Oink oink, we pigged the lot! :LOL:
It was Tomatoes, zucchini and bleu cheese

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