The official Chick-fil-A Cole Slaw Recipe is out!!

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Master Chef
Nov 8, 2004

For some reason they want to dump this item off the menu...
It looks like Chick Fil A is adding Kale. :ohmy: I'm not sure this is a better trade off. But then, I don't eat at Chick Fil A.

I just had cole slaw for supper using a bottled dressing that Jr. recommended. While it is good, it is not as good as The Colonel's clone recipe. I think I will stick to that. For now.
We make a super food slaw at work that is really tasty. The mix we use has coarse grated broccoli stumps, sliced Brussels sprouts, kale, carrots and cabbage. We add craisins and cashews. The dressing is an apple cider vinegrette with a bit of coconut milk added. I'm not sure that replacing an old favorite like coleslaw with something trendier is a great idea.
It looks like Chick Fil A is adding Kale. :ohmy: I'm not sure this is a better trade off. But then, I don't eat at Chick Fil A.

I just had cole slaw for supper using a bottled dressing that Jr. recommended. While it is good, it is not as good as The Colonel's clone recipe. I think I will stick to that. For now.

That is the winner in our family also. Why change to an unknown. I have never had Chick Fil A. :angel:
GG, the old Boston mayor wouldn't let Chick-fil-a into the city because of the religious beliefs of the family who owns it. Nearest Chick to Boston is probably 35 miles from Addie. Apparently, the 'burbs just want to offer quality fast food. C-F-A is the only fast-food place we really trust when we're traveling.
I just might give this recipe a try. Never had the coleslaw there, but when I make it at home I pretty much use Chief's "Miracle Whip" version. Hate having a jar of MW taking up room in the fridge, though, when I don't make slaw that often. This one uses the mayo that is always in the fridge.
GG, the old Boston mayor wouldn't let Chick-fil-a into the city because of the religious beliefs of the family who owns it. Nearest Chick to Boston is probably 35 miles from Addie. Apparently, the 'burbs just want to offer quality fast food. C-F-A is the only fast-food place we really trust when we're traveling.

Good ole Mennino. He always called it "his Boston." He was determined to get the title of the longest running mayor of any city or town in America. And he made it with his last election. Even longer than Daly of Chicago. :angel:
This sounds similar to the way I make coleslaw. Love me a good slaw. Have never eaten at Chick-Fil-A. We do have the Colonel in our little town.

I'm not sure why they'd take it off the menu either.
I agree with bakechef, it might be a mistake to drop this classic from the menu.

99.99% of the time I make the same old, same old, cabbage salad that I grew up with.

I guess that may be why they call it comfort food, it never changes! :ermm::ohmy::LOL:

When I do want a change I go with this one.

Claremont Salad Recipe

Slice the additional vegetables paper thin and make it a day ahead or it just isn't the same.
Thanks for posting the recipe. I was planning on making fish and chips withe coleslaw tonight. I'll try the recipe.
These FF places must have 'dialed in' their recipes over the years. So it's worth a try.
The last two coleslaws I made I screwed up by adding onions.
And your grown kids and grandkids never try something new? That's too bad.

I like mom's cooking because it's mom's cooking, it just isn't the same if she changes things up! I'd never tell her that I was disappointed, but it wouldn't be what I was expecting. ;-)
I like mom's cooking because it's mom's cooking, it just isn't the same if she changes things up! I'd never tell her that I was disappointed, but it wouldn't be what I was expecting. ;-)

KFC was a new cole slaw to them when I first made it. They always get extra when they are buying the chicken, so I thought I would give it a try. If they didn't like it then I would go back to my own that they know and love.

You are right about Mom's cooking. The foods most often requested are foods they grew up with. They can open a can of beans, but it is not Mom's beans. Their ultimate very favorite though is chicken noodle soup when anyone in the family is sick. And beef stew when the temperature takes a big drop and stays there. There is something special about coming in from the bitter cold and having a hot stew on the stove waiting for you. I have a big pot and use two pounds of beef, a five pound bag of potatoes, about eight to ten large carrots and a full stalk of celery when I make it for my daughter's house. It is completely gone in two days. Oh yeah. I also have to make a large pan of cornbread to go with it. I am hoping for a warm winter this year. :angel:
GG, the old Boston mayor wouldn't let Chick-fil-a into the city because of the religious beliefs of the family who owns it. Nearest Chick to Boston is probably 35 miles from Addie. Apparently, the 'burbs just want to offer quality fast food. C-F-A is the only fast-food place we really trust when we're traveling.
I just might give this recipe a try. Never had the coleslaw there, but when I make it at home I pretty much use Chief's "Miracle Whip" version. Hate having a jar of MW taking up room in the fridge, though, when I don't make slaw that often. This one uses the mayo that is always in the fridge.

I have personally boycotted Chick Fillet when I found out what they stood for.
Hurray Boston Mayor who ever you are!
I've never had their cole slaw, but I'm happy with the KFC clone recipe, it's perfect for me so I see no need to change.

BC, I've never thought to grate broccoli stubs..what a great idea. I'll be doing that for the next big batch of Broccoli Salad, as it always gripes me to throw them away.
I have personally boycotted Chick Fillet when I found out what they stood for.
Hurray Boston Mayor who ever you are!

His name was Thomas Mennino. He thought Boston was his personal property to do what he wanted with it. He died shortly after he left office. :angel:
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