2016 Christmas Eve and Christmas Day Menu

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Chef Extraordinaire
Apr 5, 2009
Here are my menus at the moment. But they can change at any time.

2016 Christmas Eve Menu

Shrimp Scampi (with rice)
Stuffed Clams
Caesar Salad
Garlic Bread

Pumpkin Pie
Whipped cream

2016 Christmas Day Menu

Stuffed Mushrooms
Caesar salad
Garlic bread

Eye round roast
Burgundy gravy
Mashed potatoes w/sour cream and chives (or twice baked)
Baby spinach
Mini Yorkshire Puddings

Apple Pie
Chocolate Pudding Pie
Whipped Cream

I've never done a big Christmas Eve meal, since it wasn't the norm in our house when I was growing up. Actually, I do remember my Mom busy preparing foods while what seemed like everyone else in the extended family when to Christmas Eve Mass, then come to our house. Poor Mom was so exhausted, and when everyone else got to sleep in, Mom was still busy making Christmas dinner for the 4 or 5 of us. She kept that pace until she totally collapsed one Christmas Eve. I never wanted to get myself into that much of a tizzy! Good think I'm an only child. ;)

For Christmas Day we'll have a beef roast. Not sure of all the sides - like Thanksgiving, Christmas is also all about the sides for us. For sure there will be mashed potatoes, and my Brussels sprouts/bacon/mushroom dish, and mushrooms to add to the beef gravy. Probably some sort of relish dish (I'd better remember "THE dish" that my Mom always used...). Anything else depends on what veggies are on sale/look the best when I shop after we settle into our daughter's home.
Christmas Eve is when we celebrate Christmas. I haven't decided on what we will have, yet. I did pick up a bunch of cod the other day. I am still working on the cookies--I guess I am working the menu backwards! New Year's Eve will probably be either fish chowder or oyster stew. I have a brisket pickling, so Reuben sandwiches might be New Year's Day...not sure yet. I have 12 days of meals to get through before I get to Christmas Eve. It depends on if my uncle joins us. My cousin and her son can't be here this year.
My maternal grandmother lived in a 200 year old cottage with gas lighting and cooking, only cold running water and a (spotless) loo at the bottom of the garden which had only had mains water piped to it since 1947. She used to cook Christmas dinner for around 20 people - mostly family. She had 5 married children, 10 grandchildren, and always a neighbour and in addition to that lot she always invited a soldier from the nearby barracks who couldn't get home for Christmas.

She'd started this last thing during WWII because, she said, she wanted to treat some other mother's son as she hoped another mother was treating hers (she had a soldier, a Royal Marine Commando and a sailor, a soldier son-in-law and a fireman son-in-law).

Prepping the dinner ran like clockwork - all the aunts knew their jobs and the men were sent across the green to the pub. There was always a turkey of gigantic proportions, stuffing, home-made gravy, roast potatoes and mash, sprouts with cheese sauce and carrots followed by home-made Christmas pudding, lemon curd and/or jam tarts. She never seemed stressed out by all of this - as she said it was always the same so she didn't have to think about it. Not like now when people seem to have hysterics at the thought of it in August!

We children played under the dining table with our Christmas toys and behaved ourselves impeccably (well, I remember it like that ;))
CWS4322_ I have the recipe for Värmlandskorv/ Potato sausage, if you want it..
Got engaged around Labor Day and now in charge of two Christmas Eve meals

My wifey to be and I -- on actual xmas eve

My new large extended family (16 people) -- on 12/26 when all can gather together

The first meal will be thanksgiving because I didn't get to cook it ... and my fiancée knows I can cook so no need to D,emonstrate that.

But the larger second meal is a challenge because it needs to be the kind of thing that folks can eat over a period of hours, as they arrive. Casual, not formal.

But I still want to make a few things that show my cooking chops to this larger group. Purchased pot pies are a family tradition But I have 100 leeway past those. Adults and college /post college age and 1 10 year old.

I've never done a big Christmas Eve meal, since it wasn't the norm in our house when I was growing up. Actually, I do remember my Mom busy preparing foods while what seemed like everyone else in the extended family when to Christmas Eve Mass, then come to our house. Poor Mom was so exhausted, and when everyone else got to sleep in, Mom was still busy making Christmas dinner for the 4 or 5 of us. She kept that pace until she totally collapsed one Christmas Eve. I never wanted to get myself into that much of a tizzy! Good think I'm an only child. ;)

For Christmas Day we'll have a beef roast. Not sure of all the sides - like Thanksgiving, Christmas is also all about the sides for us. For sure there will be mashed potatoes, and my Brussels sprouts/bacon/mushroom dish, and mushrooms to add to the beef gravy. Probably some sort of relish dish (I'd better remember "THE dish" that my Mom always used...). Anything else depends on what veggies are on sale/look the best when I shop after we settle into our daughter's home.

Can you post recipe for this >>> Brussels sprouts/bacon/mushroom dish please. It sounds wonderful.
We don't have a special Christmas Eve menu.

Our Christmas Day dinner with family will be:

Ribeye Roast
Lyonnaise Potatoes
Baked Potato (for SIL)
Veggie #1
Veggie #2
Pecan Pie
Lemon Meringue Pie
Christmas Cookies
Pumpkin Roll
Ice Cream
I was telling DH about di reston's question about an alternative to turkey for Christmas dinner and I accidentally said pheasant. Now he wants me to find a pheasant for Christmas dinner :blink:
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I was telling DH about di reston's question about an alternative to turkey for Christmas dinner and I accidentally said pheasant. Now he wants me to find a pheasant for Christmas dinner :blink:

There's a flock of them just outside of town...too bad I don't have a permit to hunt them.
Got engaged around Labor Day and now in charge of two Christmas Eve meals

My wifey to be and I -- on actual xmas eve

My new large extended family (16 people) -- on 12/26 when all can gather together

The first meal will be thanksgiving because I didn't get to cook it ... and my fiancée knows I can cook so no need to D,emonstrate that.

But the larger second meal is a challenge because it needs to be the kind of thing that folks can eat over a period of hours, as they arrive. Casual, not formal.

But I still want to make a few things that show my cooking chops to this larger group. Purchased pot pies are a family tradition But I have 100 leeway past those. Adults and college /post college age and 1 10 year old.


Congrats, jennyema and wife-to-be!!
Got engaged around Labor Day and now in charge of two Christmas Eve meals

My wifey to be and I -- on actual xmas eve

My new large extended family (16 people) -- on 12/26 when all can gather together

The first meal will be thanksgiving because I didn't get to cook it ... and my fiancée knows I can cook so no need to D,emonstrate that.

But the larger second meal is a challenge because it needs to be the kind of thing that folks can eat over a period of hours, as they arrive. Casual, not formal.

But I still want to make a few things that show my cooking chops to this larger group. Purchased pot pies are a family tradition �� But I have 100 leeway past those. Adults and college /post college age and 1 10 year old.


Congratulations, jenny! :heart: I'm so happy for you!

Hmmm, a couple of slow cooker soups or stews, cheese straws wrapped in prosciutto, cheese ball(s) with (maybe homemade?) crackers and crostini, and dips and crudites (and extras stashed in the fridge). To start ;)
We are having a small and informal get together on Christmas - a meal is part of the deal...

I am considering making lasagna, salad and bread and just letting folks graze. Still mulling this over...
Oh wow, it's already time to plan the dinner. I've been so busy baking stuff for various secret Santa gifts and potlucks.

I've noticed cheap frozen ducks (at least cheap for duck) at Wallyworld. Maybe I'll give that a try.
We are having a small and informal get together on Christmas - a meal is part of the deal...

I am considering making lasagna, salad and bread and just letting folks graze. Still mulling this over...

Lasagna sound great. I might do an Italian theme; antipasta, casserole, pasta, Italian dessert. DH loves Italian food, I'll give him one day of the year to indulge. ;) Italian food is so carb heavy, I've been scaling back or making it healthier.
Lasagna sound great. I might do an Italian theme; antipasta, casserole, pasta, Italian dessert. DH loves Italian food, I'll give him one day of the year to indulge. ;) Italian food is so carb heavy, I've been scaling back or making it healthier.

Southern Italian, yes. Northern Italians do less pasta and seafood and more meat and vegetables.
...I am considering making lasagna, salad and bread and just letting folks graze. Still mulling this over...
I did that for just the four of us last Christmas. It was met with great delight. (Yeah, the kids love my lasagna. :heart: ) The green salad and red-sauced lasagna looked very festive, too.

I've also done spaghetti and sauce when it has been just the two of us. I wouldn't recommend that for a crowd, though...

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