Cafe Brulot

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Senior Cook
Jun 1, 2004
Hueytown, Alabama
16 servings

3 broken sticks cinnamon
Shredded peel of 2 oranges
Shredded peel of 1 lemon
1 teaspoon whole allspice
16 cubes sugar
1 cup cognac or bourbon
5 cups strong coffee

In a chafing dish, mix the cinnamon, fruit peels and allspice. Add the sugar. Add all but one tablespoon of the cognac and let it warm. Ignite the remaining tablespoon and add flaming to the dish. When the cognac in the dish ignites, ladle the flaming liquid over the sugar to melt it. Add the coffee and stir well. When piping hot, ladle into demitasse cups, using a strainer.

Makes for an interesting beverage.
This is how Café Brûlot was prepared in the Lounge at the resort where I had worked for 5 years:

1 cup ground coffee
3 sticks cinnamon bark
2 tsp whole allspice
4 cups purified cold water
¼ cup granulated sugar
½ cup brandy
peel of orange, cut in strips
peel of lemon, cut in strips

Brew coffee with cinnamon & allspice; let stand 5-8 minutes.

Meanwhile, heat sugar, brandy, and peel in saucepan, stirring until sugar dissolves. Slowly add coffee and heat through. Ladle into small Irish coffee glasses.
Cafe Diablo

I guess this is a presentation variation of Brulot--
You cut a long continuous strip of lemon or orange peel and stud it with whole cloves(about 1 every inch), stick it on the end of a long-handled fork or skewer.
When it comes time to flambe the pan, make sure you are away from people who might get splashed, hold up the strip so the bottom end is in the pan, dim the room lights, and ladle the flaming liqueur onto the strip held over the pan(CAREFULLY, NOT TO SPLASH IT) and slowly pour a stream of flame down it--the cloves ignite and glow briefly--like devil's eyes (hence, "Diablo")
Do it a couple of times, then extinguish the flaming pan with hot coffee and serve in small cups. You can leave the peel in the pot for flavor.
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