I broke up with Green Mountain today...

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Cooking Goddess

Chef Extraordinaire
Jul 21, 2009
Home again in Ohio!
It was bitter-sweet, since we've been in their "Coffee Club" for over a decade, getting our coffee shipped right to us on a regular basis. But it had to end, and end it did.

A few years back we had an issue with a shipment. When I spoke to a customer rep she told me that they had restructured their distribution process. When we started, all beans were sent from the plant in Waterbury, VT. But as they got bigger they roasted in VT, then shipped the roasted product to warehouses in NJ, among other locations. My problem was I was missing a bag from my order. Seems they had run out of that at the NJ warehouse and were sending it separately from a warehouse in...Seattle? That's 3000 miles from my house! Meanwhile, Waterbury is just a couple hundred miles...

The final blow was an email I got earlier this year saying that their website was changing to "keurig.com". I have no objection to them making and selling that unit nor the coffee pods to fill it. What makes me sad is that, more and more, as a old-fashioned pot brewer I've been feeling less and less loved. :( The hunt for a new supplier was born.

After two deliveries from our new supplier, I cut the cord with GMCR today. It's nice that the our new supplier is more environmentally friendly, and has an even better arrangement with the small farmers they deal with resulting in better profits to the growers, but in the end it is all about what is in the cup. And my wallet. The new guy has beans that are at least as good (in my opinion) and cost me less. The best part? I order one day, they roast and ship the next, and I have them in another day or two. So Fresh! In anyone else wants to give them a try, they are Dean's Beans in Orange, MA.

Because I spent a bit of time on my break-up letter I sent to them, I just have to post it here. Of course! :LOL:

Dear Green Mountain,

I’m sorry, but after over a decade of going steady I’m afraid we have to break up. I’ve thought long and hard about this, but I really have no other choice.

You see, ever since you got that cute, little one-seater number, I’ve been feeling ignored and unloved. You used to send me little presents, making me feel like our relationship was special. I once felt like I was just your perfect date. We’d sit and laugh over generous cups, filling at will whenever we wanted more. Now you flit from cup to cup, depending on the flavor of the moment.

I know that sleek K-model is quicker and has more style, but I’m an old-fashioned gal. I like operating my van-sized number. Usually I carry six or seven, but I’ve been known to cram a dozen into her. And now it’s come to this. You and your one-seater. And so it must end.

Tata old friend. Be happy with your new loves. I know I’m very happy with mine.
Curiosity got the best of me because I had no clue what Green Mountain is/was. I'm not much of a coffee drinker and, almost to the end of the Dear John letter, I was still clueless.

Fun letter. Hope your relationship with Dean fares better and is satisfying.
Geez, I'm relieved. I thought "Green Mountain" was a screen name of someone she was dating.
I had GM only once when McDonald's was using it. It was all right. Better than what they were using prior to that. The first kind they had was so gross, I couldn't get past the first mouthful.

What can I say. When you are in a hurry on your lunch hour, you go to the closest place near your work. :angel:
Glad I could give you all a chuckle. Every once in a while the frustrated Creative Writer Wanna-Be in me sneaks out and has fun.

Curiosity got the best of me because I had no clue what Green Mountain is/was...
I figured the word "coffee" in the first paragraph was a give-away. Guess I was wrong? :)

Geez, I'm relieved. I thought "Green Mountain" was a screen name of someone she was dating.
CCL, ^that^ is as funny as my letter! :LOL:

I don't care for their coffee or their machine. I've switched back to a regular coffee maker.
I hear you Andy. The coffee was good enough, but it was all starting to taste the same. Plus, they have grown so large compared to when we first started buying it, they now felt all "corporate" to me. If you don't have a store-bought coffee you adore, you might want to check Dean's website. They list the coffee shops and stores that sell either ground coffee or sell it buy the cuppa. Might be one near enough to you to try, or along your route as you shop around town. We're enjoying Dean's a lot right now. We'll see how we feel about it down the road.
We only drank coffee in the morning and always used a regular coffee pot.
Since my MIL likes coffee throughout the day, my wife bought a single serve machine. Keurig is the name.

She also bought this little container that holds ground coffee and is used in place of the K-Cups.
You ad your own choice of coffee and as much or little as you need and it fits right into the K-Cup receptacle.
So no need to buy "their" coffee. We can use any kind we want. Its always Kirkland Signature 100% Colombian.

However, when I am in Costco next time, I will look at the K-Cups and see how much they are. Sometimes it pays for the convenience.
We only drank coffee in the morning and always used a regular coffee pot.
Since my MIL likes coffee throughout the day, my wife bought a single serve machine. Keurig is the name.

She also bought this little container that holds ground coffee and is used in place of the K-Cups.
You ad your own choice of coffee and as much or little as you need and it fits right into the K-Cup receptacle.
So no need to buy "their" coffee. We can use any kind we want. Its always Kirkland Signature 100% Colombian.

However, when I am in Costco next time, I will look at the K-Cups and see how much they are. Sometimes it pays for the convenience.

We also bought the 'use your own coffee' containers. My issue is that you cannot get enough coffee into the container to make a good cup of coffee.
Is it true that in the US, you all drink soft light coffees all day long?
In France, coffee is drunk at breakfast time and after the lunch. 3 coffee spoons of coffee (mix of robusta and arabica) for a mug.
In the morning or afternoon work break, dishwater coffee at the office machine.
Excellent read and your passion for coffee shines forth. My wife of 43 years and I share your passion for the caffeine bean. We enjoy too much coffee to opt for a Keurig machine and our Cuisinart coffee maker is on a timer so it is freshly brewed as we wake up. I hope you don't get 'jilted' by your new coffee relationship!
I have the standard drip Mr. Coffee maker. Serves me well. As soon as one pot is made I remove the spent grounds and prime the maker for the next pot. I also shut the maker off. If I want a hot cup, I can put it in the microwave to heat it up. I don't like leaving the coffee maker on for the sake of keeping the coffee hot. I found that after a while, about halfway through the pot, the coffee is bitter. I believe it is because the heat of the coffee is going up through the hole in the lid and leaching the bitter oils back into the coffee. Now my coffee has no bitterness right down to the last cup. :For the amount of coffee I drink each day, I would need a couple of cases of K Cups each month. angel:
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