Raw Milk

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Sous Chef
Mar 7, 2006
Anyone ever had this? I call unpasteurized milk by the name raw milk. I don't have a problem with raw milk, but I have such problems gastrointestinally with the pasteurized milk.

If you are talking fresh raw milk...I've had my share. Why you have digestive problems with one versus the other...I dunno. Maybe your family physician could shed some light on it for you.
If you drink raw milk, I hope you have checked that the animals the milk comes from are certified disease free. I drank raw milk, but didn't like it, as a kid on a farm. My father was meticulous about testing, particularly for brucelosis. If you have ever seen anyone who got ill from contaminated milk, you would take every precaution to make sure it does not happen to you.
Gosh I have no idea. Have had milk straight out of the cow or goat and I love it but can rarely get it that way.

Pasteurization merely heats the milt to kill some of the bacteria. It might denature some of the protein but why you cannot abide it I have no idea.
My grandfather got undulant fever, AKA brucellosis from drinking raw milk, and was a very sick man. When they gave him penicillin, which was new, and just in experimental stages at that time, he had an allergic reaction which almost killed him.

On the other hand, my dad drank raw milk from their own cows all the time he was growing up, and never got sick.
That is why you need to make sure the cattle are certified clean, or healthy. Ours were tested for brucellosis, and TB, and we never bought cattle except from clean herds, and transported them ourselves so they did not catch anything from the animal that last was transported in the truck. Brucellosis is an evil disease that doesn't kill you, just makes you wish you were dead.
:) I grew up on raw milk in the 70s my mother would drive out of town with clean glass gallon jars to get it we would skim off the cream to make butter or whipped cream you had to shake jar to mix up cream left in it.It really was not legal even then in Colorado.Now a days I would be much more careful with your raw milk source.
Until some 30 years ago there was no pasturised milk in Soviet Union. Plus I'd spend every summer on the farm. Love fresh/raw milk. Hard to get nowadays.

Not sure about your problem.
Do you have the problem irrespective of the time of day? I think I only had raw milk once as a kid but I know that I can't tolerate milk before food of a morning - it makes me ill but at any other time of day I can drink milk (homogonised and pasteurised) by the gallon. Actually I do!! I assumed it had something to do with needing proteins in my stomach before I could process the lactose. The cream in the raw milk might give your stomach something more substantial to process. That extra bit of fat might be what your body requires.

Just best guess though.
I used to drink raw milk all the time when I was a child. Loved the stuff!!!! (as a side note: I thought I saw it for sale somewhere for $12.00 a gal, that's ridiculous) I never ever had a problem drinking it. When I was in my 20's, you could never get the raw milk anymore, farms wouldn't sell it.

The other thing I noticed, is that I have more of a problem with skim, 1%, 2%, than I do with whole milk or heavy cream. And if I drink milk at all, it has to be ice ice cold. :)

At first, I had thought that pasteurizing might have killed some of the *good* bacteria in the milk, but what do I know.

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