Anthony Bourdain

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Assistant Cook
Jul 22, 2009
Does his show even count as a cooking show?
Well, it's definitely a food show.

I love watching him. I like how he integrates the culture and the food in every place he goes. I also like that he is so adventurous with what he eats but still keeps it in line, unlike Andrew Zimmern who grosses me out most of the time with what's on his menu.

What does everyone else think of him?
I think he is awesome. Of all the TV chefs, he is the one I would like to hang out with.
He is a true Chef by education and background, but his opinions and comments seem to be off base many times. Don't get me wrong if he were at a Culinary event I was attending I would want to chat with him for an hour or so. Its just some people look at his image and get the wrong impression thinking that most Chefs are like him.
He's going to be in a town close to me soon. Tickets are around $48.00 and if you want VIP ones are $75.00.
Cat Cora is going to be here too. I would love to go see her.
I LOVE him - & his show & his books. Have all the shows on DVD & all his books (including the novels - as a novelist he's no great shakes; good thing he left that career behind - lol!). I do like his Les Halles cookbook, as well as the book he did about his "No Reservations" show. Fun reading.

And I find him much more fun, honest, & down to earth than many other travel/foodies with tv shows. Perfect? No. Better? A definite & resounding YES!
I didn't even know that he had cookbooks!
I will definitely have to check them out the next time I'm in a book store.
The dishes that he eats when he travels are so true to the culture that they come from. I think that's why I like him most. He really tries to show you what you would actually be eating every day if you were/lived in the country/city that he is in. As someone who both loves food and aspires to travel, that combination is spot on.
I love "No Reservations" Anthony is a little harsh sometimes but at least he is doing things his way. His books are entertaining as well, although if you dont like his personality I would not recommend his books.
May I first of all start by saying how hot / sexy Anthony is? ......
I am so infatuated with this guy it is not funny at all.
Also I love how natural he is .... says things the way he feels it. I think he is real!
What more can one want .... e can cook me dinner everyday of the year.
Yes! maybe, just maybe .... I am guilty of being and Antho-p ... ;)
**Anthony- Groupie**
He's going to be in a town close to me soon. Tickets are around $48.00 and if you want VIP ones are $75.00.
Cat Cora is going to be here too. I would love to go see her.

Gee, he was here for free. Well signing his bok. ut he spoke for about 40 minutes before, mosltly answering question from the crowd, and you did not have to buy a book to be askinf question. He was great. I like him a lot.

And just to mention the fact that his show is not any diferent from all ather shows on Food TV where they travel or eat out, etc.
I wasn't sure if I cared for Bourdain at first. But, after watching many shows and reading all his books I am a true fan. He is a true chef and he definately made his way up from the very bottom. So many of the so called "chefs and cooks" on TV are manufactured. He's witty and sarcastic. But, I don't think he means it half the time.
I agree he can be fun to watch, but if you looking for cooking in the show, that's not really what it's about.

What it is about is bar hopping with food added as an afterthought.
I like his honesty. His humor stems from honest perception and a ferociously analytic lens. We haven't had cable in a few years, but I always enjoy watching old seasons when they're released on NetFlix. He eats everything from hot dogs to Michelin-Star cuisine, and you get a real sense of food culture in the places he visits. He isn't afraid to show himself being humiliated either (e.g. rolling head over heels down a sand dune with an ATV, or having an excellent wit from provence shake his perception).

My favorite example was the Dubai episode. He didn't go to all the high-end resort restaurants, he states early on that the largest population in Dubai consists of Indian immigrants exploited for cheap labor. So the whole show focused on immigrant Indian street-level food.

I have Kitchen Confidential, the Les Halles cookbook, and a handful of his DVDs.
I can't wait to see that episode Jenny. You don't know when it is airing do you? Which places did he hit?
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