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chez suz

Senior Cook
Sep 19, 2004
I made cornbread last night in my cast iron pan...Wow I will never make it in a cake pan again. It had a crust around the outer edge and bottom that I never achieved before. it made a big difference. This is my standard recipe.

My very basic recipe
1c cornmeal
1c white all purpose flour
2 1/2t baking powder
1c buttermilk
1 egg lightly beaton
6Tb melted butter
Combine dry ingredients
Combine wet ingredients
Add wet to dry and mix gently until just combined
Add to well seasoned 10" cast iron pan that you have smeared w/shortning
Put in 400 oven and bake 25 min or until golden crust forms around edge and is dry when testedw/toothpick
Best served warm from oven.
I know what you mean, chez suz! Welcome to the support group of cooks who can't live without cast iron...!!! ;)
That's going to be some sweet cornbread .... but it sounds good. One of my grandma's never used sugar, the other used about 2-tablespoons ... but the rest of the recipe sounds about like what they both used.

Just for grins .... next time (if you didn't - you didn't say) ... heat your skillet and shortning in the oven while it (the oven) is pre-heating. When the skillet and oven are hot .. swirl the shortening around in the pan, add the batter (listen to it sizzle) and put back into the oven. Heck - go all out ... replace the shortening with bacon drippins.

"In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth, cast iron skillets, cornbread, blackeyed peas and smoked ham hocks".
I won't eat Cornbread unless its sweet (I'd put a tsp of vanilla in it too). Its a geographic thing for sure, up east here, we like it sweet, right Chez Suzanne!. And then toasted, with lots of butter and GRAPE JELLY!!!.
I've never tried it in a cast iron skillet, I'll have to try. Thanks!!!
deb, I like mine sweet too. I never made it in cast iron until I married the good ole boy from Tennessee.

I strongly recommend doing what Michael says and heating your bacon drippings first in the pan while to oven is heating up. Makes all the difference in the world.

p.s. Michael, you are coming for New Year's Day, right?
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