Can anybody tell me what is gluten, pls?

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Gluten is a protein found in some grains, especially wheat, barley and rye. Most people have no problem with it, but some people have an autoimmune disease that prevents them from digesting it, causing pain and other problems, and some people may have an intolerance that causes some health issues. For more information, read this: The Truth About Gluten
gluten revolution

Gluten is actually one of those things that is changing and challenging menus and diets within the catering industry. I have working in catering for 14 years now and in the last 5 years menus are constantly being written and re-written to account for diet. Partly it’s to avoid health issues that have legal blow back but also to avoid having to create essentially 2 separate menus. I was at an event in London for Kudos in march and they effectively re-write menus every 6 months to either make then more healthy or to remove anything that has , what they called the “gluten effect”, but not only do they do this they market themselves doing this for competitive advantage.
Isn't it unsafe for people who do not have coeliac disease or a gluten intolerance to do without gluten in their diet?

Isn't it unsafe for people who do not have coeliac disease or a gluten intolerance to do without gluten in their diet?


No. Plenty of people without an intolerance to it have eliminated it from their diet and claim to have benefitted from doing so. That accounts for some of the increased attention to gluten free menu items.
Gluten is a general name for the proteins found in wheat, barley, triticale and rye. Gluten is frequently used to make seitan, a meat elective utilized by veggie lovers to make faux chicken, faux hamburger and other vegan foods.
Gluten is a protein found in certain grains, particularly wheat, barley, rye, and their derivatives. It's responsible for the elastic texture of dough, which allows bread and other baked goods to rise and maintain their shape during baking. Gluten is composed of two main proteins: gliadin and glutenin.
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