Cook's Country TV Show

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Andy M.

Certified Pretend Chef
Sep 1, 2004
I'm watching this PBS show, a spin off from ATK.

It's an episode on making, among other things, BBQ chicken. While the chicken was cooking on the grill, Chris went to the tasting lab to do a test of super market BBQ sauce.

The winner was Bullseye Original. It was selected by the tasting panel,the audience and Chris as the best of the bunch because it was smoky and wasn't too sweet.

Back to the BBQ chicken. Time to make the sauce. The chef decided to doctor up a store bought sauce so they started with th Bullseye. The first thing she did was add a ton of molasses 'to get that sweet sticky taste everyone likes'.

Apparently, she didn't watch the taste test segment of the show...

Just an observation. I found it amusing.
They're always so serious about their recipe testing process, making a dish diozens of times, and the results are always the 'best xxx you'll ever taste'.

It seemed bizarre that they went against the preferences of their own experts!
:ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO: What did Chris say??

I tuned into it late today and it said they were going to make BBQ Chicken but they made mac and cheese instead.

That woman appears to have gained a lot of weight.:shock:
:ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO: What did Chris say??

I tuned into it late today and it said they were going to make BBQ Chicken but they made mac and cheese instead.

That woman appears to have gained a lot of weight.:shock:

Chris picked Bullseye as the best as well. he had no comment when the chef add the molasses.

I guess I'd gain weight too if I was cooking and tasting all day long. I assume even the rejects weren't awful.
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I know what you mean Andy! "folks weren't into the candy sweet ones"...I personally add 20-25% honey to my BBQ sauce...
I hope someone saw the "Diner" episode. lol I actually watched it eating my homemade tri-fold bacon and cheddar omelette which looked nothing like the monstrosity they created. I've been to many-a-diner's and never saw an omelette look thike this: :huh:



The woman whipped the eggs in a KA mixer for 5 minutes!!! :( Iwonder what the texture of that tastes like? A 3 inch thick aerated egg fluff with a sausage and pepper filling.
hmmm, that sounds good, jeeks.

lol, good catch, andy!

i like some really plain brands of sauce. bullseye plain is good. we also like the plain kraft bbq sauce. but i don't like the commercial brands once they get into different flavors and smokes.

i haven't seen more than a few minutes of a few cook's country episodes; seems like the old show.
but now i'm gonna watch them closely, looking for lack of continuity and
I enjoy the show and find that their recipes work in the real world. BBQ sauce is really a personal choice and everyone has a different take on what's the best. From what they had to pick from, Bullseye may be the best, although I don't care for it myself.

I just bought ATK new loose leaf cook book. It is a disaster compared to there previous cook books I feel I wasted $ 37.00 for a usless cook book
Bullseye tastes like kc masterpiece to me. It is too bad I can't eat them anymore--food allergies. I use to really love bbq sauce on all sorts of food.
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