Soy flour - is it useful for, uh, anything?

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Assistant Cook
Jan 29, 2005
OK, so I have come into possession of a pound or so of soy flour. The only recipes I've seen that call for it, however, are *shudder* "low-carb" recipes. Apologies to any Atkins disciples here, but I happen to have tried friends' low-carb baking recipes in the past and .... let's say I'd rather forget it ever happened. Ecch. So is this stuff good for, well, anything at all? Does anyone have a soy flour-utilizing recipe they're willing to stand behind?
I ran a few searches and found mostly atkins related material which is not bad (I did the atkins for like 6 months because I was dating a girl who wanted to eat that way) but their sweets options are really limited (which is fine with me, I dont do sweets).

So uh... no help here but we have a couple of very capable bakers on the form (PAbaker comes to mind) who might know what the specific properties of soy flour is.

Im thinking high protein and high protein means killer pizza dough.
Some uses for Soy Flour

Soy flour is gluten-free so it cannot completely replace wheat flour in a yeast dough, but you can safely replace 1/4 of the amount of wheat flour with soy flour in yeast dough, quick breads, and muffins. Stir soy flour before measuring as it tends to become densely packed in its container. To enhance its nutty, rich flavor, sprinkle the soy flour over a dry skillet and cook over moderate heat. As products that have been cooked with soy flour tend to brown quickly it may be prudent to shorten cooking time or lower temperature.

You can read a lot about Soy Flour here:,1523,293,00.html
Hmm ... okay, perhaps I'll try adding a bit in baked goods, and maybe I'll try toasting it first a bit. I'm still a little skeptical, because I imagine it having a soy-ish taste, but we'll see. Thanks, folks ...
Soultaco, do you bake bread? Do you know about the Cornell formula? If you displace for every cup of flour 1 Tb of soy flour, 1 Tb of dry milk and 1 Tb of wheat germ, you will have restored all of the nutrients removed from flour by the milling process.

Well, I think BurgerKing use it to make their fries extra-crunchy, but it leaves that awful soy-flour taste....which is why I don't go to Burger King any more :?

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