Cape Cod Wavy Cut Potato Chips review.....

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Master Chef
Nov 8, 2004
It is a brand new product from the company.

The chips are thin cut, but with a nice wavy texture to them like the Lays wavy cut chip is.

The chips though are on the small side of things, with only a few medium sized chips.

I did have a wierd clump of 5 chips though. Not expecting that at all from this company.

The taste and crunch are great though.

A gigantic thumbs up for me on this food product.
Cape Cod potato chips are manna from heaven, and one of two food items that I cannot keep my hands off of, if they are in the house. I find it impossible to eat them in moderation, so I very rarely buy them.

The other food item that I have no self-discipline around is peanut M & M's. Haven't had any in almost a year (Halloween).

Kleenex - the Cape Cod Wavy Cut Potato Chips review was very interesting. I can't eat any sort of chips because they have too much salt in them.

Happy Saturday.

Jill and Jolie
shpj4 said:
Kleenex - the Cape Cod Wavy Cut Potato Chips review was very interesting. I can't eat any sort of chips because they have too much salt in them.

Happy Saturday.

Jill and Jolie

These chips have 110 MG of sodium per serving.

You can find some potato chips that are 100% sodium free.

Kettle Chips Unsalted
Wise Unsalted
Tim's Cascade Unsalted
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