Firey Habanero Doritos review.....

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Master Chef
Nov 8, 2004
I could not find this variety of Doritos for a few months until I was finally able to find a 99 bag at the gas station I go to all the time.

Onto the review.....

Each Dorito sure did show off that is had some spicy flavor to it, same shape and size as regualr Dorito as well.

I will say that it had the hottest flavor of any Dorito I have tasted, I could feel some heat on each chip that I had, but it just was NOT hot enough for me. It did not make my eyes watter or my nose run.

I am going to give this food product a minor thumbs up because at least they tried.
Those sound interesting - I'll have to keep my eyes open for them. I normally don't bother with Doritos (prefer Tostitos) because I find them too salty.

I would imagine they don't make them TOO hot because they're a mainstream company & can't afford to market a niche product.
Kleenex, I have had these and they are great!! I agree with Breezy they could not make them too hot or they would not sell. But If you want a chip with some zip they do fit the bill. I like to use them on Taco Salad.
BreezyCooking said:
I would imagine they don't make them TOO hot because they're a mainstream company & can't afford to market a niche product.

I can agree to that, but After I have tasted the Blair's Death Rain Habanero potato chip you really have to bring to some heat to the chip or it is not going to be spicy enough for me.
Yes - I like my spicy foods really hot as well, but I think the only way to find ones that meet that criteria are going to be - like you mention - foods put out by small independent producers.
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