Grande Multi Grain Tortilla Chips review.

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Master Chef
Nov 8, 2004
These were some nice and thin Tortilla chips.

These were massive 3 inch long by four inch wide Quarter rounds chips!!

Even broken pieces were big.

They were yellowish in color

The say they are low in sodium, but could not really tell.

Nice and crunchy.

I give them a big thumbs up.
Onto the Resturant style Grande review....

Same 3 inch long by four inch wide Quarter rounds chips...

Whit in color

Low in sodium, but could not really tell.

Nice and crunchy.

I would give this flavor a big thumbs as well.
have you seen sweet potato tortilla chips in your travels. can't remember who make them. none of the big guys, "food should taste good" i loved,them so did my mexican handyman.
have you seen sweet potato tortilla chips in your travels. can't remember who make them. none of the big guys, "food should taste good" i loved,them so did my mexican handyman.

I have not seen it in a tortilla chip, but I have seen sweet potato use a potato chip.

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