Orion Group Potato Pasta snack food item review....

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Master Chef
Nov 8, 2004
Another trip to my local oriental food store and I come back with this snack food item. I am guessing at the title of the food product.

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If you click on the link look for the bag with a guy in it and what looks like the letter Q on it.

Each piece was mostly 2 inches in length. A little bit bigger than a regular drinking straw but in a rectangular shape.

They say the snack food item has some seasoning on it. I could see what looked like seasoning, but could not taste any of it at all.

The flavor and taste was just bland, boring, and blah!!!

This had to have been one of the first snack food products I have tried where it had no broken pieces at all in it.

I am going to give this snack food a minor thumbs down.
Well I would like to say that I have tried the Spicy version of this food product. The only main difference to the bag was a couple of extra words and picture of red chili pepper.

I could only get this one in a big bag.

Each piece had a tiny bit of spicy red food flavoring on it.

I felt disappointed big time with this food product in the heat category. It took me like 20 pieces to get any real heat in my mouth. BOOOOOO!!!!!!

A medium sized thumbs down for this food product.

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