Vietnamees steamed bread

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Assistant Cook
Feb 1, 2004
hai guys,
I made this today and I really enjoyed this. It's easy to make and absoluletly fulfilling!!!! Hope you like it...

Broodje bapao

For 15 bapao’s

Filling :
300 gr pork
10 gr dried Chinese mushrooms
2 cloves of garlic
2 spring onions
1 piece of ginger
2 tablespoons sweet soja
1 tablespoon of oystersaus
1 tablespoon os sesame oil
salt, pepper
a little oil for stir fry

250 gr plain flour
20 gr fresh yeast
1 egg
lukewarm water

marinate the meat which is cut in tiny pieces in the soja,sesame oil and oystersaus.
Put the mushrooms in warm water to make them soft ( how do you call that?)
Cut the garlic ginger and onion real small and stir fry. Add the meat an d mushrooms. When ready leave to cool.
Mix all the ingredients for the dough but add the water little by little till you have an elastic dough. Leave to rise for 30 minutes.
Make 15 small dough balls about the size of a walnut. Flatten them into little pancakes and spoon some filling in put them opening down in a steaming pan and steam for 10 minutes.
Serve with big salad

Put the mushrooms in warm water to make them soft ( how do you call that?)

Rehydrate is the word you are looking for.

This does look good!!!! You are right, I do like it. But what is sweet soja sauce? I'm not familiar with it - I don't think.
Hi, Elf,
I think it's the same as soy saus, a sweet variation. It's not that important anyway. Just put anything in that soyish. :LOL: ;)
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