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Chef Extraordinaire
Apr 12, 2011
On Youtube - both speaking and nonspeaking versions. Hilarious!
Thanks for the Youtube, Dawglover.

I was looking for a thread to ask a dog question, hope this one's OK -- has anyone used or heard reports on the Thundershirt? My dog (10+ years old) is very afraid of thunder; she shakes like a leaf, and daily storm season is here. I adopted her last year and this will be our first full summer together. Sure wish I could ease her fear. Any other suggestions would be welcome, too. Thanks.
Thanks for the Youtube, Dawglover.

I was looking for a thread to ask a dog question, hope this one's OK -- has anyone used or heard reports on the Thundershirt? My dog (10+ years old) is very afraid of thunder; she shakes like a leaf, and daily storm season is here. I adopted her last year and this will be our first full summer together. Sure wish I could ease her fear. Any other suggestions would be welcome, too. Thanks.
I saw something yesterday about someone who was skeptical about using the Thundershirt, but she said that it worked great with her dog. If I find where I read that, I will let you know. :)
I saw something yesterday about someone who was skeptical about using the Thundershirt, but she said that it worked great with her dog. If I find where I read that, I will let you know. :)

Thanks, Barbara. The first-hand experience is, to me, a better source of info than the mfr's ads. I always picture some poor soul in the back room making up the "satisfied customer" comments. :ermm:
Thanks, Barbara. The first-hand experience is, to me, a better source of info than the mfr's ads. I always picture some poor soul in the back room making up the "satisfied customer" comments. :ermm:
I know what you mean!

I just found the thing I had read. It was apparently one of the "Family Circle" magazine editors who tried it on her dog. I can't guarantee they didn't pay her for her opinion, but I don't think so. :cool:
I know what you mean!

I just found the thing I had read. It was apparently one of the "Family Circle" magazine editors who tried it on her dog. I can't guarantee they didn't pay her for her opinion, but I don't think so. :cool:

My kids saw the Thundershirt ad and told me to just get out the plastic wrap and duct tape.

Funny thing -- one of my 2 cats, who was never afraid before, now picks up on the dog's terror and hides under the bed when it thunders. I guess if I buy a shirt and it doesn't help the dog, I can always try it on the cat. Su-u-re, I can. ;)
My kids saw the Thundershirt ad and told me to just get out the plastic wrap and duct tape.

Funny thing -- one of my 2 cats, who was never afraid before, now picks up on the dog's terror and hides under the bed when it thunders. I guess if I buy a shirt and it doesn't help the dog, I can always try it on the cat. Su-u-re, I can. ;)
Be sure to post the video of you putting plastic wrap and duct tape on the dog, AND especially taking it off! :LOL::ROFLMAO::LOL:

Yeah, I think trying to put the shirt on the cat would be about like taking the plastic wrap and duct tape off of the dog! :ROFLMAO::LOL::ROFLMAO:
Barbara L said:
Be sure to post the video of you putting plastic wrap and duct tape on the dog, AND especially taking it off! :LOL::ROFLMAO::LOL:

Yeah, I think trying to put the shirt on the cat would be about like taking the plastic wrap and duct tape off of the dog! :ROFLMAO::LOL::ROFLMAO:

Yikes! And what would be comforting about plastic wrap and duct tape during a thunderstorm? Would also love to see the video!

Thank goodness my current dog is very tolerant of t-storms. Previous cocker and dalmation were not.

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