How did you discover DC?

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that enjoys cooking.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.

Cooking Goddess

Chef Extraordinaire
Jul 21, 2009
Home again in Ohio!
Since I wandered over here last summer I notice people from ALL over...not only the North American continent, but all over the world. I'm a relative newbie, but I've seen that some people have been here forever. A good sign of an active and caring forum. So...I've been wondering how you all stumbled upon this site.

For me, I get Randy Cassingham's weekly newsletter "This is True". He listed Discuss Cooking in his "bonzer website" segment one week, so I wandered over to DC and was lured in. After visiting in fits and starts I've finally settled on a visiting pattern that works for me. Um, like sometimes too often...

OK, now on to my icy concrete yuck. But I'll be checking back for comments later!:chef:
I was looking for a recipe. I'd given up on computer sites after a very bad time on another one. Anyway I signed on and asked a question, was treated so nicely, well here I am....STILL
A lot of us, myself included, were regulars at the Food Network discussion site. They decided to close it down and we migrated here. A really good decision for me.
I am among this group as well.

When the old Food Network Boards started to implode from the nastiness and vitriol, FN announced they were shutting it down. One of the regulars found this as a place to settle (I don't remember who, or I'd be happy to give them credit for the find). They PM'd and emailed many of the other regulars, and we all came over at the same time. Wisely, they were careful not to make the invitation public, to forestall the troublemakers from finding out right away.

Early on, they made some rules to prevent what happened at FN. Right from the start, they have made sure that this remained a friendly place to be. Sure, there have been a couple dust-ups, but overall, the administrators & mods here have kept the focus on cooking and the tone upbeat.

It has really grown and changed here over the years (for the better, of course). There are always a few young know-it-alls that show up, but they usually find that there's a lot of knowledge and experience here. There are occasional spammers, but they're shut down quickly, There are those who come here believing that cooking is a can of this and a box of that. Hopefully, they learn to enjoy what we all have. People learn that drama and attitude are not accepted here. For the most part, folks with attitudes get the cold shoulder.

I'm not a frequent poster. I come and go depending on my job. But whenever I come back this is a very welcoming crowd.
DONE! with my side of the driveway, thought I'd check for replies while enjoying a nice nip of bourbon (thanks, Uncle Bob;)). It's my alcohol rub-down (from the inside). Thanks, all, for such quick posts and so many nice comments. Silversage, nasty posters on another board drove me to look for a group that can exchange ideas and information intelligently! FWIW, that was not a cooking forum, but I had enjoyed the topics discussed "over there" until so very many trolls showed up. Since I absolutely LOVE to cook this is a perfect fit! (If you saw me you could tell I also love to eat.:LOL:)

Someone back in my old hometown area put up a thread about an organic garden supplying restaurateurs. If you want to read about The Chef's Garden you can find the website here. It's in Huron, OH. I suggested to him that he might be interest in DC; he PMed back to say he read the rules and isn't sure he can be "polite".:ROFLMAO: But he is certainly NOT one of those who sent me hunting.

Thanks again. I've enjoyed reading your stories.
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I've been here a bit longer than some. I migrated over from the CCA boards. I loved the camaraderie I had over there, but my computer HATED their set up and refused to load anything. One of the members there mentioned Bubbagourmet was over here and I arrived and never left again.
My niece had just been diagnosed with multiple food allergies and I was looking for info on oatmeal flour and how that would work as a replacement for wheat flour in recipes. I tend to visit the site at least twice a day even if I don't always post. I've made some good friends here that I "visit" with Facebook too.
I was looking for a recipe also and everyone was so nice I felt at home. I'm not here as often as I would like, but when I need something I know just where to go.
I have been a longtime member of another Social Knowledge forum and since I like cooking (and have been doing more) I thought I would check DC out.
My story is a little funny....though at the time it was embarrassing.

I did a search on something I was looking for....can't even remember what. I ended up in the middle of a very old thread on DC and wanted to reply to a question someone else had. I signed up, posted, and then realized what I had done, so I posted again apologizing, figuring I would just leave quietly. I then got a welcoming letter and decided to check this place out. I have been here ever since!
I also came in from the TV food network board. At first it got to be way to TV personalities oriented, then people started getting a little, well, uncomfortable for me. So with that one shut down, several people mentioned that they were transferring over to this site, and here I am.

The reason I went looking for a network, when I'd never joined one before and haven't since (although I've looked for some having to do with other subjects that interest me, I've never found one easy to use and sympatico) might sound silly. But there is something about me that when I'm in a grocery store, people will ask me what to do with this, how to find that. Now you have to understand, I've traveled the country far and wide, and people ask me this everywhere. Do I look like I know what I'm doing or what? More than once grocery store employees would overhear me explaining something to a young (or old, or whatever, someone unfamiliar with a product) about why this or that might be a better product for them to buy for them, at that given time, and would say, gee, I wish the management would hire you. So when I found this I loved it. I use it less for recipe exchange than for advice, and fine personal support to boot.
When I was on the food network board. It got shut down and the people were annoying, so once it shut down I transferred over to this site and it's the best thing ever!! Been using this forum since like middle school.
I was looking for some information on Gunter Wilhelm knives, which I found a wonderful little thread on, and then I started looking around at other threads. I think I've fallen in love :)

Now, to go resurrect some dead threads about SoCal and burger joints >.>
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