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Andy M.

Certified Pretend Chef
Sep 1, 2004
I want to digitize my vinyl and cassettes into iTunes where I have already loaded CDs so I can listen to them in the car (via USB flash drive) and maybe some day into an iPod.

I found software online and all I needed was a cable that connected the turntable or cassette player to the computer via the AUDIO IN port. The problem is, my MacBook Pro doesn't have an AUDIO IN port. I guess that's normal for most laptops.

Is there another way I can get this done? What about connecting the turntable/cassette deck via a USB port? Is there a connector cable that does that/will that even work?

I'd really appreciate any help. I have a good deal of great analog music I really miss.
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Weird that there wouldn't be a microphone jack, is this an apple thing? Mine has a microphone (not a mac), but the option to connect your own headset or microphone if you want to.
Weird that there wouldn't be a microphone jack, is this an apple thing? Mine has a microphone (not a mac), but the option to connect your own headset or microphone if you want to.

I have a headphone jack but no mic. From my reading, it not unusual for a laptop to not have a mic jack.
There is a little device I got on a coupon website. It looks like this. It can do VHS to digital and audio too. It was under $20 including shipping.
I figure if I can digitize all the music I have that I care about, I can listen to it everywhere. I can plug an iPod or flash drive into my car for endless music. If I buy an iPod and a doodad, I can play it all at home too.
I have an adapter thingy for my iPod in the car. Love it. I like the radio for the news on the drive to work, but for a long drive nothing beats your own music.
I have an adapter thingy for my iPod in the car. Love it. I like the radio for the news on the drive to work, but for a long drive nothing beats your own music.

Exactly, and you have music to suit your every mood.
My car radio connects to my phone and launches Pandora automatically, and I can control from the radio buttons. I can also play whatever is on my phone. I have the USB option too. I'm spoiled never having to use regular radio!

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