Something to think about

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Chef Extraordinaire
May 9, 2007
Southeastern Virginia
Posted on Facebook: "Don't yuck on someone else's yum."

We all have our likes and dislikes, but I'd like to suggest that, unless a poster specifically asks whether we like or dislike something, we refrain from negative comments on someone else's meal or suggestion. It's disheartening when someone enthusiastically describes something they enjoyed and someone follows up with "Oh, yuck, that's gross."
If someone were to post an enthusiastic and effusive review of eye of newt soup with lizard snout puree, your request for no negative comments would probably result in a single post thread.
I'd have to agree with Andy.
If it wasn't for folks popping in just to say how much they dislike something or to tell someone else that they are doing it wrong, the post count would plummet.
At least it shows you their true colors.
I don't take offense if people don't like what I do, we all have individual tastes and I'm fine with that.
If someone says a recipe that someone else created is gross, that's rude but if they don't like an ingredient because of personal taste it's fine.
Just my opinion.
I agree with GG and Snip about the rudeness part. I don't have a problem with someone politely saying they don't like something, but there is never any good reason to be rude about it.
Let's not go to extremes :)

I was simply trying to make a point in response to your, "Oh, yuck, that's gross."comment.

Positive and negative comments are part of what happens here as they are a part of many discussions. I would hope for more than, "Oh, yuck, that's gross."in a post but if nothing else, it stimulates discussion. All who disagree may simply ignore it.
I was simply trying to make a point in response to your, "Oh, yuck, that's gross."comment.

Positive and negative comments are part of what happens here as they are a part of many discussions. I would hope for more than, "Oh, yuck, that's gross."in a post but if nothing else, it stimulates discussion. All who disagree may simply ignore it.

That's my point - you can't ignore it. You're reading a thread about someone's idea or enjoyment of something and suddenly someone says, "Eww, I've never liked that," or "Yuk, that grosses me out" :yuk: Now you're feeling bad instead of good and you can't unread it.
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It would be pretty to think that no one ever had an opinion that differed from yours but it's not the real world. Not every opposing response is accompanied by a YUK! a EWW or a GROSS.
It would be pretty to think that no one ever had an opinion that differed from yours but it's not the real world. Not every opposing response is accompanied by a YUK! a EWW or a GROSS.

Not sure why you keep going to the extreme :) I did not say "no one ever [should have] an opinion [different from mine]" or that "every opposing response is accompanied by a YUK! a EWW or a GROSS."

I said: 'Posted on Facebook: "Don't yuck on someone else's yum." '

Not sure why this is so controversial, actually. Sorry if I'm not making myself clear, but please don't add things I did not actually say.
I think it not reasonable to expect that nobody would voice a disagreement, maybe even a strong one on the public forum like this one. We have hundreds people reading posts here and maybe just as many commenting.
I personally do not find "yuk" or "eww" rude, those are just fine with me. As long As somebody doesn't call me names, or we have had some posters here who always had something negative to say about everything that was posted. Thanks to our moderators they are no longer here. In all the truth some of the Russian stuff I like to eat, I am surprised I haven't been ban from this forum for simply posting those recipes. They must be total yuk to an average American, just like peanut butter is to me.
What I trying to say is as long as it is polite conversation we are ok.
I agree with CharlieD. We don't all think the same things are delicious. Although I like liver, the DH does not and thinks not only is it gross but it is yuck. I don't eat hotdogs, bananas, processed cheese, Velveeta, CheezWhiz, sardines, canned soups, tuna (except fresh) or canned peas. These foods just aren't on my shopping list. Because of financial restraints, I have to cook using what I have on hand. And, prepare things from scratch because I can and I cannot justify buying the ready-made variety (tortillas, bread, etc.)
I was thinking about where to post this, sounds like the right place.

DH and I went to our nearest Costco, and of course, had a few samples. Two of them were cooked salmon. I supressed a gag reflex and promptly spit the first one into the garbage can. To me, it was nasty! DH thought it was wonderful. The next one, DH stated it was delish, and told me I would like it much better than the first sample salmon. OMG. Pthw. Spit spit. It was worse, at least to me! We ate out of the same sample cup. Obviously, our salmon taste buds differ, as do our Brussels sprouts and liver buds, as DH loves both of those too! And I don't.
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