Sunday Special- Lions and Tigers and Bears! Oh, MY!

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Chef Extraordinaire
Dec 20, 2005
southeastern pa.
Sunday Special- Lions and Tigers and Bears! Oh, MY!

1. True or false; Lions are the only felines that live and hunt as a group.
2. On average, how many times must a pride hunt to make one kill?
3. Fill in the blanks; Females give birth every _____ months, usually to a litter of _____ cubs.
4. True or False; Asiatic lions tend to be bigger than the African lion.
5.Of all the big cats, which is the largest?
6. How many subspecies of lion are recognized by zoologists?
7. How many subspecies of tigers are recognized by zoologists?
8. Which of the big cats are the most endangered?
9. True or False; All big cats dislike water, and will avoid it whenever possible.
10. What color are the eyes of most tigers?
11. There are four subspecies of bear found in North America; name them.
12. Fill in the blank; An adult male bear is called a _____ .
13. Fill in the blank; Worldwide, the species of bear that’s closest to going extinct is the _____ ______ .
14. Which two of the fifty have the Grizzly bear as the State Animal?
15. How many deaths from bear attacks have been recorded in North America between 1900 and 2003 ?
BONUS: How many of those deaths were from Polar bear attacks?

  • True
  • five
  • Ten – three
  • false
  • the Siberian tiger
  • two
  • six (and 3 more that went extinct in the 1970’s)
  • South China tiger (45 - 50 left, none in the wild)
  • False
  • orange / amber
  • Black bear, Grizzly bear, Alaskan Brown bear, Polar bear.
  • Boar
  • Giant panda
  • Montana and California
  • 107 - 5
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LT, I edited this for you. There was a lot of extraneous gobbledegook messing it up. Unfortunately, I then knew all the answers so couldn't do the test. I'll go do some other stuff and come back to this when I've forgotten it all.
..............gobbledegook?.................anything I should know.....??

THX, Alix ...
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Why does Sea World have a seafood restaurant?? I'm halfway through my fish burger and I realize, Oh my God....I could be eating a slow learner.

:LOL: Maybe it was just some mutant that got to close to the bank! :ROFLMAO:
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