To starch or not to starch that is the question.

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Chef Extraordinaire
Oct 17, 2004
So, I was dropping lundry last night, and the guy in front of me says "no starch", so I asked him "why not." He told me that starch ruins fabric and shirt will last lot longer if it is not starched. I always though it was the opsite. Any thoughts on that?
I always get my shirts with heavy starch and have never had a problem with them lasting.
If they don't look good, why would you want them to last longer? I'd rather they look good and last half as long, but I don't believe that to be true.
I completely agree licia! If you prefer the look of a starched shirt then go for it!
i work with some very frugal men that are still wearing the same dress shirts to work as they did when we broadcast in black and white.

we need to apply the starch to them pretty soon, i think.

one old timer that comes to mind was 82 years old when he reitired. the company couldn't get rid of him (age discrimination) and he refused to retire to spite his wife.
i used to joke with him that whatever dept. he worked in had a body bag next to the first aid kit.

but god decided he should reitire, if you know what i mean.
I've never heard that starching makes clothes wear faster, but, really, how long do you want your clothes to last? Must be a man thing. Hubby doesn't care for stiff starch because it closes up the fabric --- i.e., the fabric doesn't "breathe" and you sweat more. This is true. Now that we're civilians and retired, I barely iron, much less starch! I vote with those who say to starch if you like the look and feel, don't if you don't, and don't worry about how long the shirts will last. I suspect we're talking about a starched shirt lasting 4 years and a non-starched one lasting 4 years and 2 months. Give it up.
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