trivia 7/16

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Chef Extraordinaire
Dec 20, 2005
southeastern pa.
trivia 7/16
The “Forget-me-Not” is the symbol of the Alzheimer’s Society of Canada.

1. This US Constitutional amendment stated that you could not deny someone the right to vote based on race or color.
a. - 15th
b. - 25th
c. - 26th
d. – 16th
2. In most cases, soon after a foal is born it stands and suckles what fluid from a mare's udder?
a. - Meconium
b. - Milk
c. - Colostrum
d. – Water
3. Name the talk show host who had her own show from 1985 to 2002. She was known for her big red framed glasses.
4. “Annie Hall” was the first film to see the joining of the talents of Diane Keaton and this actor / Director....
5. Well, Duh! Dept;
What musician was known as Satchmo ?
6. Many presidential middle names were derived from maternal maiden names. Which president was named for his maternal grandfather who was a popular politician ?
7. Who plays the title character in 'Miss Congeniality'?
8. In what famous children’s book would I find, among others, the animal characters
Fiver and Hazel ?
There is somebody named John Rambo on the Vietnam Veterans Memorial wall.
1. - d
2. – c
3. Sally Jesse Raphael
4. Woody Allen
5. Louis Armstrong
6. John “Fitzgerald” Kennedy
7. Sandra Bullock
8. Watership Down
U.S. Army Staff Sergeant John Rambo was born in 1944 in Libby, Montana, and died in Vietnam serving his country in 1969.
John’s name is on the Wall at Panel 16W line 126.
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