What about catnip?

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Sous Chef
Dec 4, 2007
Austin, TX.
What is Catnip? I wikied it and it is an herb related to mint.

I have two cats that are very wild, and the boy is just tearing up my funiture.

so I went to petsmart and bought this odd Scratching Thing, made of like cardboard and sand paper...

it came with this little bottle of Catnip Juice... I put two drops on this scratch thing , and the boy won't go near it. But the girl just sits next to it and drools and keeps rubbing her little face all over!

Is this normal? Thanks, Eric, Austin Tx.
Some cats don't like the Nip, same as some people don't take to drinking.

Or it could be the form the Nip is in, you say it's a liquid? Wonder what processing method was used to create that. Nip in it's herby form is much preferred by cats.
Don't count on catnip calming them down. We had a male cat years ago that turned from Dr. Jeckyll to Mr. Hyde when exposed to catnip, literally. He'd go from a mild, mind your own business cat to one that would beat the snot out of the other cats while he was under the influence. He was a BIG tom and we had to put him out in the garage until he calmed down. Tried it 1 more time with him with same results, never again. And of the 2 kittens we have now, the male was bouncing off the walls after being exposed so he won't be getting any again either.
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It all depends on the cat. All of ours have loved dried catnip. They play with toys that contain it and I've used it on scratching posts and pads to encourage them to use those and not the furniture :LOL: They usually take a nap afterward. As PF said, different cats have different reactions.
My cats were use to sleeping in the bed. I read online where you could try catnip to get them to get in a catbed (cause they wouldn't sleep in theirs). I put it in their bed and they rolled around in it for a while lol. They loved it. But after so many minutes they came down off the catnip and got back on my bed..lol.

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