What is your weather like right now?

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With Ophelia just sitting out there, we are getting showers, then dry, showers, then dry. I hope she goes off in the ocean and leaves us all alone, but the way she is going, no one knows what is going to happen. The temp is better - in the 80's today.
texasgirl, i wish we all could send some rain your way! those pictures are so sad. september is usually a dry month here but we have been having little rain showers every day. our highs are in the 60s and lows still around 40. fall is in the air!
The rain came back today. It's been nice and warm for a few weeks but, I think
SUMMER is over....

Time to move to Az. or somewhere nice and warm.
At last we are out of the 100s it's been in the mid to high 80's during the day, but as the sun sets a breeze kicks up and by bedtime it's cool and a sweater feels cozy.

kadesma, loves winter, but hates to see the leaves fall and all the flowers too.
Mostly sunny
Late showers
High: 90
Low: 77

Right now in Charleston, temp about 84, winds gusting to 20-25, sunny; awaiting the arrival of that fickle little teenager Ophelia!
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